@puffa469: Both seem steep.
@puffa469: Both seem steep.
@Demonbird: bingo. and sixteen million people screaming for balloons or having gang meetings on a rooftop for some reason doesn't qualify a city as "alive."
@Aigis: I didn't own a dreamcast.
@Demonbird: Well I can't argue with you there, so just consider my post general commentary and not some sort of criticism toward your comment
@Demonbird: So does the exaggeration of how poor the series has gotten.
@Kraznor: Assassin's Creed 2 does not have bad writing either.
@RockyRan: To be fair, you haven't played any of these games yet. People complained about Uncharted 2 tacking on multiplayer and that turned out fine, in fact it's one of my favorite single player experiences ever. It didn't suffer at all.
@raiders2k5: It's actually really bothering me how much the breasts on this cover are being blown out of proportion. They're not even blown out of proportion.
It looks fine. It looks like standard box art whereas the PAL cover looks like Special Edition box art. Doesn't necessarily make the standard art bad.
@mintycrys is HOT for Bayonetta: Nathan, Sackboy, Ratchet & Clank (which would make for cool special moves no doubt)... all viable choices.
@Bokusatsu_Tenshi: "Hmm... what's this artical about. Nintendo? Request? Taken Down? ZELDA? ON?!
@daytown: Or you could play gta iv and just not worry about that.
@TrjnRabbit: I have no words.
@Jatc93: sure it's a joke. But if it had used games that actually made you go "hah, I guess that IS pretty gay" instead of games that make you go "huh, I guess you COULD vaguely describe this game or it's characters in a way that made them seem slightly homoerotic," then... well, then it would have been a GOOD joke.
@laser beams: I didn't necessarily mean in this or future Simpsons endeavors, guys, I just meant amongst the public, the folks who spout "Worst. ____. Ever." and "the goggles do nothing" all the time. More Troy Mclure, less... everything else
Comic Book Guy IS way overused. More Troy Mclure love please.
@Vecha: One more Month: The idea that, if a game doesn't captivate you in it's demo it's not worth your time, is not a good way of thinking. A demo may be too short of an experience, too light on the drawing features of gameplay, too much of a tutorial rather than an actual gameplay experience. These things make it…
@Vecha: One more Month: he's just asking for a reason why it might be worth a second chance, rather than basing his entire opinion on the demo.
@syafiqjabar of Mars: What kind of self-important asshole has a picture of themselves on their shirt?
@Showmeyomoves!: hah, I immediately thought of this as well.