At first glance, this group of cosplayers look like a band of Norse Warrior Goddesses. They’re not. They’re the nine…
Hellblade, Ninja Theory’s upcoming action game that explores mental illness, wants a protagonist that looks as…
Some think that being poor is simple. You don’t have enough money to buy a lot of stuff, so you’re forced to buy…
Not sure these are fighting words, but this is a clever ad campaign.
So I’m halfway across the planet in a crowded hall, astride a unicorn with a young woman touching my face and…
“Last time I checked I was number one on Forbes list.”
You may have seen the news today that The Witcher 3 has sold well over 6 million copies. Impressive! We don’t…
Wes Johnson is Cloud and Sarah Quillian, aka Adella, is Aeris. Photographer Jan-Michael Losada made a whole series…
Years ago, Fallout fans discovered that it was possible to escape the opening area of Fallout 3 at the start of the…
How’s this for a cosplay of William Birkin’s second mutated form from Resident Evil 2? Pretty damn accurate. That…
Is it too late to make this the International Week Of Witcher Cosplay? Because only a day after that awesome Yenn…
The past few days have been hugely important for the Drake fans among us. They’ve been even more hugely important…
This is a very cool toy. It’s also exactly the kind of thing I expect we’ll be seeing when Nintendo games finally…
A simple tweak gives the world of Dark Souls an exceptionally eerie quality.
MissSinister, cosplay superstar, is cosplaying here as a “Sinister Sith”. The expanded universe may be dead, but…
This is the Witcher based on the Book the Witcher, based on the Character Geralt in The Witcher, if you weren’t playing as Geralt, then it wouldn’t have been called The Witcher.
Bloodborne is breaking my heart.