
I voted for Obama both times, he doubled the debt in those eight years. Wake the fuck up.

If the US wasn’t so fucking scared of raising the taxes a percentage unit or two that wouldn’t actually be any issue. Countries aren’t free to run, and some of those costs include helping your citizens when they are in need and providing services that can benefit them. The social welfare in the US is atrocious even

“he doubled the debt in those eight years.”

“he doubled the debt in those eight years. Wake the fuck up.”

You said “Social Security: Last year, 24 percent of the budget, or $888 billion, paid for Social Security, which provided monthly retirement benefits averaging $1,342 to 40 million retired workers in December 2015.”

It’s almost like the government is collecting taxes for the general welfare of the population.... Too bad that isn’t anywhere in the Constitution!!!

You are right. He did double the debt. Here is a question for you, however. When and how was that debt accumulated? The majority of it was spent to bail us out of the financial crisis and to pay for the war he inherited. Obama has not been a profligate spender. He had to deal with the chaos he was handed. You

We pay into Social Security. It is SUPPOSED to be for retirement so it being used to pay out retirement benefits is a bad thing how? If anything the Federal Government owes that fund because of the number of times it has dipped into it for things other than what is is meant for.

cut spending. bring in revenue.

No Obama didn’t double the debt. Congress did. They have power of the purse.

Please do tell how countries like Canada or England manage to stay afloat with “entitlement programs” such as universal healthcare, and why it is such a difficult thing for the US, where kids can get killed just for being at school, to do so. How is it not a huge burden in other countries but somehow unacceptable for