I’ll let Chris Rock respond:
I’ll let Chris Rock respond:
You have to understand, Canadians are the most polite of all the members of the British Commonwealth. The have elevated the quiet and measured response to an art form. Also consider Canadians have a less-than-stellar track record on the issue and you can see why Trudeau had to pause and think.
Speaking of skateboards, this footage isn’t getting enough media attention.
My local news station was doing running reporting today on protests and rioting. I was struck how they kept going back to the looting of major chain stores and how the looters cleaned out electronics, liquor and drugs (if the store had a pharmacy). Never once was it mentioned about groceries, diapers and formula,…
At some point the black delegation is going to have to settle on a name for male Karens
This ‘family as performance’ shit is angering in ways I cannot reasonably put into words using my mushy quarantine brain.
Used to be the advice was to drive to the police station if you thought something was up.
Porter is one of the very few bright spots in this increasingly vicious hellscape.
Katie Porter is a professor at University of California Irvine, she is a Harvard and Yale graduate. She is also the toughest woman in congress and people in her district love her. I voted for her the first time and plan to do it again this year.
If there was any justice in the world, Katie Porter would be at the top of Biden’s VP list.
For some of us the ‘90s feel like yesterday, but in fact it’s roughly 30 years ago, and some rules were different. Homosexuals were becoming accepted by many as deserving of basic civil rights, but legally recognized marriages were wishful thinking. AIDS was a fatal disease. Date rape was a thing, but “drunk people…
Not a snowflake and not a cracker, but reality is that the direction we’re heading in, where more people have more guns, more extreme viewpoints, and more tolerance for that kind of display, is not a good one. White people are driving this 100%, but it’s still a minority of crazy assholes who are getting outsize…
I love that a man is the chair of Women for Trump.
Seriously, the only thing of value Kentucky has given us is Bulleit Bourbon and six solid seasons of Justified.
I am standing and slow clapping. You are in such fine form I had to star everything you got.
I think you answered your own question. If you’re raised a Becky, it’s Beckydom. If you catch it, it’s Beckyitis, which can be temporarily cured with a sharp laying on of hands, a-pow-pow.
I watch it so much I actually say it. So ya its from the Good Place but its not a reference.
What is, ‘all of the above’, Alex?