I have a 2 part question, A. the fuck you you smoking ? And B. can I has some???
You might want to google that. The chemical name for kalunite is potassium aluminium sulphate. The chemical formula is KAl(SO4)2. And alums are aluminium salts: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alum
You might want to google that. The chemical name for kalunite is potassium aluminium sulphate. The chemical formula…
1. I would happily vote for Warren over any candidate right here and right now. That said, the Slate did an exceptional article on why she can’t get traction from voters.
I find this disturbing and cathartic.
that’s the 600 dollar question
Was LeBron James or Lisa Leslie on your HS team? That’s crazy.
I’m a little upset-in-the-stomach that this kind of analysis of a presidential advisory choice has to be made at all, but I think you may be right.
I guess there is an outside chance, not great but possible, that this is effectively the Republican Party calling in the cavalry. By most accounts, Hope Hicks didn’t have many skills, but one very valuable skill was the ability to get Donald Trump to walk back the glaring stupidity without apparently having to resort…
RE: Jim Carrey
It’s really nice to see Coretta re-centered in the story of the Kings. She was an absolutely integral part of his work when he was alive, and nearly single-handedly responsible for the maintenance and growth of his legacy after his death. She had Martin for 15 years; she was with us after that for what was nearly four…
And yet you seemed to fit very comfortably in a 2-D pane of glass with a couple other people, Zod. Get over it.
“Wow I am shocked by this turn of events”
But Bernie didn’t get the nomination so I’m just going to sit this one out and let our civil rights get flushed down the drain!
As someone who is immunocompromised, may I just say: I hope she gets an infected ingrown taint hair that doesn’t heal right for at least a month.
NASA set up a little restaurant on the Moon back ‘69 when they landed.
Trivia: In the US you can drive to 14,000 feet without leaving pavement, if you drive up Mt. Evans. Expect heart-stoppingly high unguarded dropoffs, hypoxia symptoms, and staredowns with mountain goats standing resolutely in the middle of the road.
While I can understand the Mercedes PR piece not mentioning the previous record was set by two Chilean dudes with no factory backing whatsoever in a modded 1986 Suzuki Samurai, I’m very disappointed that this post does not.
And of course the media reports on him as “Mueller’s Witness” and not “Trump’s liaison to SA royals.” No one cares about this particular person, so who can we damage by proxy? Cause most people only read headlines...
P.s. My doctor was a female Pakistani immigrant originally from Afghanistan who would never been allowed to be a doctor and home.