America F*** Yeah!
Ah yes, the country that declares the Men’s World Cup trophy (created by a Frenchman and awarded by an organization based in Switzerland) is “coming home” anytime they string a couple of victories together is schooling us on arrogance. Got it.
There is literally no country on Earth more humble than the US of A
(sound of crickets)
Gotta say, I agree with Neville here. The USMNT would never display such arrogance. Heck, they didn’t visit ANY hotels in Russia during the 2018 World Cup!
I’m sorry, arrogant Americans? In what universe? Americans are the classiest, most dignified, and humble people on the planet!
I’m honestly hoping he can make a fascinating and eclectic career for himself and not become the internet’s one hit wonder nostalgia joke of 2040s.
‘I hereby announce that the French Women’s National Football Team is invited to the White House to celebrate their success in the 2019 World Cup tournament’
Here it is again in slow-motion and zoomed in a lot more.
Wow, I thought this was one of those classic Deadspin comments where you write a meandering, turgid paragraph and then land the punchline, but you actually meant everything you wrote. Fuck man, kudos.
Real talk: I make six figures but am 40 years old and STILL paying off my student loans, and currently won’t be able to completely be rid of them until I am almost 50. I live in DC and the cost of living here is INSANE. My husband and I do very well salary wise but we have very little in savings and all our “wealth”…
Laura Ingraham, shitting in a diaper to own the libs. What is it with horrible conservatives and a fixation on toilet issues?
What the fuck did any of us ever do to you to deserve having that image seared into our brains?
Mikey is a normal name for a guy in Waltham. Find a new slant.