
Christ why did I think Pat was Jay Bilas??

The Chinese government projects the sale of two million plug-in and fully electric cars annually by 2020

but tumblr has a porn problem...

Meanwhile, I can barely text and walk at the same time.

I can’t wait for Tucker Carlson to cover this.

I’ve been waiting for you to do this article!

I’ve been waiting for you to do this article!

Hmm I wonder if he will issue some response to this. From what I can tell from his twitter antics, he does actually ready the root, so he will probably see this. 

Have had for over a year...this thing is awesome. highly recommend getting the cover.

Have had for over a year...this thing is awesome. highly recommend getting the cover.

It’s legit hard to grasp some actual positive news.

This is terrible, but securing private accounts before going public has got to be PR 101 at this point right. Not saying that is her fault, but we all know the lengths people will go through to ruin someone’s life. 

and there we have it ladies and gents, the closing argument for mandatory population control.

Her God is a nice one, fairly unrelated to anything that happens in the Bible.

these people def deserve contributions to pay whatever medical bills came from this. Is there a gofundme?

Has Jennifer been made aware that he is trying?

Asking the real questions

Is it legal for him to ask for donations from outside his state? I mean I know it happens but aren't you supposed to be more subtle about it?

I think the real tragedy here is that there is only one Cardi stan on staff. WTF is wrong with everyone else? Cardi is a national treasure at this point.

why, why, why is anyone listening to her still???

I am fully aware of the conservative leanings across the diaspora. However, when I say help, and I’m just spitballing here, get a temporary civil service job in areas that need a cleansing of corruption. I don’t know anything about agricultural policies, but from my p.o.v., that is something that could have an

Holy mother of god. For those of us who are considering #blaxit, should we go there to help at least?