jesus christ
jesus christ
Umm was that ‘politician’/pedophile in VA arrested?
I would guess Tesla is just going to build the battery and retrofit an existing plant to build the shell. That should shorten the timeline and keep cost down.
Christ, where was my raw emotion alert? I wasn’t emotionally ready to watch this and now i’m a mess.
remember when were all wondering if lebron would get finals mvp when they lost?
This comes off as something he’s been wanting to say but chose the dumbest example to lead into it with.
Great read
Ah the ole tried and true ‘you better assimilate but we won’t educate’ tactic. Classic.
Probably one of those good frying pans, too.
Off-topic but flawless username
I also have connections with animals, but I usually let the animal express that connection instead of blurting it out loud.
I’m not entirely sure why we need to know so much about a 17 yr old. Are we trying to play armchair FBI profiler? It’s these types of things that will lead us to legalized profiling and loss of privacy. I should caveat that by saying I believe people should not be allowed to be anon on social media. Yes, there are…
Compare that to how those same outlets refer to an 18-year-old black boy from Ferguson, Mo.:
Sheesh, how much research did you have to do?
Being 12 yrs old and watching that, was the first legit scare wrestling ever gave me. It has haunted me to this day and that’s why it’s still so great.
An excellent submission for sports commentary of the day if we didn’t already have “Lebronto”
I’m mad at myself bc I laughed, when I know it’s true.
Tbh he’s probably tired bc he has an actual newborn. Not to make an excuse for him but that is significant regardless
I’d argue the country needs more of this. Sure they’re nothing but Hippocrates, however we still need something to show that we are not as divided as we seem and are still normal people at the end of the day. So for me, I don’t have a problem with it.
I like the look of them and the ‘long live the king’ editions are my favorite sneakers of the past two years. However, they are not really comfortable to hoop in. They are made for straight line drive sprints (like lebron plays) and not agility. First shoes to give me blisters in 10+ years.