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    I watch TONS of shows. I read recaps and reviews of almost all the shows I watch. This recap has the following sentence: "But I’ve never been entirely able to shake the show’s critics, many of whom accuse Hawley of using a kind of high grade fan service to distract audiences from what is, at heart, a pretty empty

    Also it is complete bullshit that any defective would "rather have evidence" than a confession. They always and ever want a confession. It makes the evidence unnecessary.

    Unless the defense forensics guy was actually a part of the OJ trial (not established), her use of it is not only super objectionable but borderline sanctionable, to the point of a borderline mistrial.

    I think the analysis of Paige is way off base — she is trying to be a spy to help her parents.

    You forgot George Smiley (Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy) for Gary Oldman.

    Alfred slapped Selina. He in no way "punched" her. Still amazes me how people paid to write recaps get basic facts so wrong.

    "…[P]olice corruption and/or brutality constantly being a part of the news made it a little hard for some to watch a show where the world of cops was a hijinks-filled one."

    Don't these people have agents and managers? Maybe blame them for getting their clients crappy deals instead of "The System"?

    Most unnecessary apology ever in that last stray observation. People need to lighten up. Can't even believe people made an issue of it.

    Someone paid this guy to write this. WHO CARES?