
I’ll save everyone the time and just generate some comments for this:

“Take Two has every right to go after these guys and protect their IP.”
“Ugh, I was looking forward to this”
“These guys were dumb for spending time on a project like this.”
“Why can’t companies just chill out and let fans be fans?”
“The writing was on

They’re lying. From only sending out PC codes, to ordering takedowns of console footage, to not showing base console footage themselves, it’s clear they knew it was a problem, and they hid it.

The fact that U/L’s business model is fundamentally unsustainable is not a particularly compelling argument for allowing them to exploit their workers to help make up the difference.

Imagine creating an organization that celebrates conspicuous consumption and unearned wealth and then having either the extreme self-awareness, or the extreme lack thereof, to call your organization One Percent.

I would gather Gigawatt is a heavily-retooled version of the most recent Sideswipe toy from the Siege line. Though Armada Wheeljack cribbed pretty heavily from G1 Sideswipe, so you’re not too far off.

This is some Westworld shit

“The specific views expressed by blitzchung were NOT a factor in the decision we made,” wrote Brack. “I want to be clear: our relationships in China had no influence on our decision...”

Gee, it’s almost like a lot of people in their late 70’s often suffer from a decline in their mental faculties which causes them to sound confused and forgetful and makes them poor candidates for almost any job where mental sharpness is a major factor.

Roxanne! You don’t have to put on that red hat.

When someone buys their fourth car, no one asks if that 30,000$ purchase was justified. It’s a hobby. Chill :) 

Twas a bad day to be orange. 

Getting goosebumps now!

Finally, a video that belongs on Deadspin.

You should listen to the podcast, but short version: There’s a big difference between burning down the Red Keep and indiscriminately killing civilians. This would be a whole different conversation if Daenerys had gone straight for Cersei, killing innocents in her quest to kill the woman who usurped the throne and

Outttttttttttt sourceeeeeeeee to the private zone! 

That was actually a bizarre result of flying an aircraft towards the edge of the map for a long time, IIRC.

Umpire Tosses Dick Who Argued Balls And Strikes; Tossed Ball Strikes Umpire’s Dick And Balls

Pikashoes, if you will.

I’ll see you in court SUNDAY! SUNDAY! SUNDAY!