
Wait a minute... did Giant Meteor just announce it’s candidacy for the 2020 election?

*Seeing them do the floss dance in the gif*

So how soon do you think it’ll be until we see Blizzard’s rebuttal to this staring Alexstrasza, Li-Ming, Nova and (of course) D’va?

I heard they already have Scarlett Johansson, Matt Damon and Tom Cruise on board for this... *sips his tea*

It’s almost like every death/resurrection is a unique event and no one ever connects the dots. Maybe Deadpool does, but no one else.

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I think I need to subscribe to this youtube. They’re the ones that also did that really awesome GoT anime intro not too long ago.

I guess. Still seems half assed to me. I mean he didn’t even call the cops until 1+ hour later only after they were done. He doesn’t need to emergency shut off a pump before calling the cops...

I’m just saying, the crooks are ultimately the ones at fault here, but I feel some procedural errors were made as well.

Um, why didn’t the employee run out there and put cones in front of the pump and an “out of service” sleeve on the hacked pump like as soon as he realized something was fishy???

Is that like hitting Trump + F4?

Good on you, I was here thinking isn’t she the actress from Killjoys also?

I think the only way a Sonic racing game with vehicles can work is if there is a game mechanic where after taken enough damage the vehicle are destroyed and the driver is ejected to then run on foot. For this short period of time you’re faster but super vulnerable to everything, then a replacement vehicle pulls onto

Yes, we are all voting for Khris Davis. You are correct.

Some guy brought his... I don’t think even 10 years old son to the one I watched and all I could think was “wooooow”. But not my business. I’ll leave that to his wife after she catches the kid quoting the movie out loud at home. No one was offended by the lesbian couple thing but sure didn’t find the recheck scene and

But it’s true! She’s a captain and if she see a woman in time that she likes be it Salem ‘Witches’, Super Girl’s Sister, or A Medival Queen, she’s going to hit that! And her crews like, that’s just our captain! Freaking love it. One of the most refreshing characters I’ve watch in a while.

Yeah M’gann M’orzz, aka Ms. Martian in fact... Definitely dig her Young Justice version more.

I personally don’t. CW will just end up ruining her and Ava’s characters just like they’ve done with Oliver and Felicity with the on and off “Oh our vigilantism is putting strains on our marriage/engagement!” drama, ugh...

*mutters under his breath* “Because THAT’S going to last...”

Huh? Oh i didn’t say anything...

I don’t think it really matters becauase going off DC Legends so far, if you’re a strong, independent, beautiful woman, Sara gonna get cha! Just like she has with nearly every other woman she’s met through her time travals, lol.

$100 says Batwoman and White Canary have a booty call because Sara Lance is the female bisexual Captain Kirk and I wouldn’t have it any other way.

It was a contributing factor but not the deciding one as the A’s, or Billy Beane really, were interested in him based on his performance ever since his Stanford days. They just happen to come up with a trade that both the A’s and Cardinals thought was mutually beneficial as it was becoming apparent that his mother’s