I don’t if it’s because I don’t recognize any of the game characters she’s using or if they’re all original characters but I’ve been so lost when it comes to Manly Guys Doing Manly Things for quite a while now.
I don’t if it’s because I don’t recognize any of the game characters she’s using or if they’re all original characters but I’ve been so lost when it comes to Manly Guys Doing Manly Things for quite a while now.
“DUDE, pull over now! We’re picking her up!”
“She’s pointing guns RIGHT at us!”
“Just shut up and do it already!”
Thanks fot the Shop Contest love Fahey. Gald you (and one other reader) enjoyed it at least.
Didn’t intend to go all political on this one but it was the very first thing to pop in my head and I just went with it.
Worst Cyclops cosplay ever...
It does seem Star Wars Episode 7 promotion ready doesn’t it? Although I’m getting more of a Kylo Ren feel than Darth Maul.
Every time I see that comercial I can’t help but think, “Nope, sorry. I’m not donating my vehicle to a bunch of snot nose punks who can’t even spell ‘cars’ correctly.”
Well to be fair I don’t ACTUALLY hope that happens...
Sir, and glad I could :D.
“Should anyone here present know of any reason that this couple should not be joined in holy matrimony, speak now or forever hold your peace...”
“I know one.” *One-Winged Angel starts to play*
I have a love/hate relationship with this mouse. It’s a great trackball mouse design wise but I find the build quality severly lacking (he said after recently buying his 5th one in 7 years). The left & right buttons seem to wear out within a year no matter what I do.
I really wish Logitech still made their wired…
I have a love/hate relationship with this mouse. It’s a great trackball mouse design wise but I find the build…
The fact that Lamborghini based a car off it really says something.
Obviously you’ve never seen a WWCA (Walter White Cosplayers Association) meeting before. This is a picture from their Minnesota chapter’s monthly meeting and potluck.
That was me two weeks ago. Now I’m fully caught up.
Hearing Trumps voice dub over Animated Batman gave me more of a James Woods Owl Man feel from Justice League: Crises of two Earths animated movie than anything else.
Interesting timing to say the least.
Well, Papa John’s employs 21,700 employees, so I’d say police have about that many suspects considering the threats he made in 2012 about cutting employee hours just to avoid Obamacare.
Getting closer...
...but I bet an infinite number of monkeys mashing buttons on controllers could do it though.