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I'm shocked to not see this one mentioned yet...

Because it's the only appropriate reaction to the Star Wars Holiday Special...

Never mind, it was the lighting. They seem to be the good old run of the mill Tie-Fighter appearance wise.

I dieing for a still of that one shot of the Tie-fighters. I can't tell if those are the same ones from 4-6 or not. It looks like the...wings? form an "x" on each side instead of an hexagon, or is it just the lighting?

I might be one the few people that's okay with the Sith Claymore (what it looks like to me). I'm not saying it's the greatest light saber of all time, but it's not the worst neither.

I think my rogue had that same "dagger" in WoW...

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I loved Bullock's and Alfred's bad cop / good cop routine… or maybe it's bad cop / rich cop?

Might be on good faith. The recent Red Bull "gives you wings" settlement didn't ask for any proof but then again it as for only $10 or $15 worth of Red Bull products.

I guess I see your point. It's just that they're obviously on fire with Arrow and The Flash (but admittedly not so much with Gotham and Constantine) so it still seems like such a silly close minded way to approach it. I mean take their animated movies for example... Each adapts a classic comic arch right? Up until the

Uh...not Ryan Reynolds.

Yet Marvel has no problem having characters from their movies such as Fury and Sif show up on SHIELD.

Not saying you're wrong, in fact you probably nailed it on the head, just that it's stupid thinking on DC's part...

And I've been to dozens and it has happen a hand full of times. Usually because the parents bring the baby to a (R/PG-13 rated) action movie where some loud explosion disturbs and sets the baby off.

Just because it hasn't happen to you doesn't mean it doesn't happen at all.

And I'm not saying it's going to happen every

Until the family with the bawling baby sits down right next to you. Then yes you can quite easily...

In other words... if they kill off Daryl, even George RR Martin would say, "Damn, that was ballsy!"

Apparently Brazil learned nothing from Sochi's failed mascot experiment, Moose and Squirrel.

Try taking out all by one stick at a time and see if you can isolate the faulty ram. If that doesn't work go ahead and schedule a full memtest for next time you wake up.

No I'm pretty sure the cop Noah was referring too and Officer Bob are the same guy. Remember how he was being all nice to Noah when he was zip tying him?

If the bear is the Pope, definitely.

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