
What the shit is this list?

I was fully expecting this article to be:
1) Remove Shoes
2) Walk around room three times.

ON the other side of the coin, this might be the highest price paid via trade for a former Clemson basketball player, ever.

As a point of clarification, the City of Atlanta only has about 475,000 people in it. The metropolitan area has 6 million people.

Seriously. I’d wager Deshaun Watson with a blown ACL would put up better number and be more competitive than Tom Savage.

OK, can I ask something incredibly stupid that I will likely regret even bringing up?

Ok, Great.

Why is CURLING separated into genders? For the life of me, this seems like the sport where there is an even playing field for both genders. Am I missing something here? If so, please enlighten me.

*Looks at 2016 Notre Dame Roster*
*Finds 6'5", 278lb player*

Why would you bet on Hulk Hogan in Rocky III?

Living in Anaheim Now, home to Disneyland and fun games of suburban Mad Max in Minivans.

That being said, check out food halls like the Anaheim Packing house instead of the eleven billion chain restaurants in town. you’ll be glad you did.

Update: He was found dead.

Oh Tigernet, Always giving a voice to those that never had the IQ to think before speaking.

you need the arch support when you’re doing all that lynching.

They actually make foam-board whiteboards. might be worth it just to get one.

It should be noted that the game cocks players have backpedaled from the other players using racial slurs:

If his college allegiance comes into play, it’s more like woooo pig, sooooooo-eeeeeee!

Fourth most famous Bush?

The problem with people being creepy is that they often times don’t have the self-awareness that they are being creepy.

Footage of her workouts on said tradmill:

Nomination: Sylvania SYL-P12B Wall mount

Nomination: Sylvania SYL-P12B Wall mount

Strive to win the Game, or Strive to win the tournament? Sounds like they are sacrficing the battle to win the war here.