Timothy Griffy

Agree totally. I recall in college two separate incidents where women had been interested in me, made an advance, I rejected them, and one punched me, while the other tried to force kiss me, then slapped me and ran away. Another more benign incident was with a woman who seeing i was drunk, walked over and grabbed my

Start us young. Young enough that respect is instilled in our very bones. Hell, make the curriculum universal, and apply it to any question of personal autonomy. (And yes, I know it would need to be in kid-speak, but still young is the place to start.) Trying to teach an adult male about consent and entitlement is

Oh my gawd, YES. I'll never forget this one time many years ago when a man who lived in my apartment building asked me if I wanted some ice cream he had but didn't want anymore. I told him I didn't. He kept insisting and I kept telling him I didn't want it. Eventually, he came to my door with the fucking ice cream. I

Their responses scare me as well and I think the comments responding to you show just how little people get this issue. I teach a university course called "the psychology of violence" and these issues always lead to comments of this sort as well. A guest speaker from our campus' assault/rape/violence response and care

This is so true and something I encounter even with my progressive, self-declared feminist female friends...I'm not the best at super healthy, long lasting relationships but I've also had it been suggested to me that maybe it's because I "give it up" too easily. And mind you, it's not like I'm hopping into bed with a

He was sort of a NiceGuy type who didn't think he should have to put up with a woman's comapny unless he was going to get laid.

I was just tying in, not disagreeing with you at all. :)

He was sort of a NiceGuy type who didn't think he should have to put up with a woman's comapny unless he was going to get laid.

You're totally in the right, but you also have to realize that a lot of guys are told that persistence is charming and hot. Even President Obama talks about how he got Michelle to go out with after she initially said no. It also doesn't help that you occasionally hear girls talk about how they automatically say no

Also, part of the problem here stems from the fact that a woman still can't say "yes". If a woman accepts a date right away, or wants to have sex and says so, then she's a whore. I mean, I personally don't care and I'm pretty direct but I've actually had the experience of being asked out and then the offer renegged

It shouldn't even have to do with sex either! If a woman says no, she usually means it! I have been second guessed on:

The people objecting KNOW what the definition of rape is but when it's actually applied, things are different. They view it very different.