
My first ride was a used base-model 4-door ‘96 Cherokee with neither power locks nor windows, though I was savvy enough to make sure I got the 4.0L Straight Six. It was $6600 with 120K on it in 2001, the same year they quit making the “Cherokee Classic” before going off the rails with the Patriot, Liberty, Renegade

A lot of indie games rotate in and out faster than bigger games. Granted, there is still enough time to beat most of them, but many people won’t and will grab the game to own down the road. I’ve done that a few times.

It’s best to have one gun for every possible tactical situation in your car; if not, how can you even call yourself an American?

Do you know anything about ASD? One of the defining and, arguably, most common traits across the spectrum is the “special interest:” an all-consuming interest in a singular social niche. I’d say that buying a Wii U for Skylanders in 2023 would seem patently absurd to most readers without the context of the child’s

Maybe they are now prepared to approach the sublime near-perfection of Sonic and All-Stars Racing Transformed, which really perfected the Diddy Kong air/land/sea formula. No other “Legacy IP Celebration” game has filled me with as much joy as Transformed.

Yeah, high-level Madden and FIFA play is no joke. There is as much metagaming as in any other competitive video game. 

Agreed on Cyberpunk. I respec’d to blades and pistols recently, and it feels so much better than chipping away at bullet sponge enemies from mid-distance with an assault rifle.

I need to give it another shot, maybe after AC6. It could just be that I’ve had my fill of MH for now. 

On the note of complexity in MH, I have to say that Rise might have too many systems going on. I loved MH4U and MHW, but I’ve struggled with Rise. Part of it is going back to the static environments, no doubt. I still don't get how Rise is supposed to be the most "welcoming" game in the series. It's likely just me,

I went to a small liberal arts school, and they had a “Sports & Fitness” major primarily populated by athletes. It had no professional certification, and I never understood the purpose of the degree. At the very least, the athletes should have directed toward the education degree for P.E. teachers, giving them a solid

Perhaps not American or Canadian, where all of the infrastructure is built to require a car to get around? 

Try some custom bindings or make your own, replacing gamepad inputs with keyboard commands. The touchpads are extremely versatile for making games like this playable. 

The Federal indictment is not directly connected to The Insurrection; he is not being charged with inciting a riot. Rather, the charges relate to multiple obstructions of the electoral process, based on testimony of administration officials, communications records, and, yes, Trump’s self-incriminating social media

Absolutely. Near the end of its lifespan, and even into the N64 era, a first party or “premier” 3rd party SNES game (like SF Alpha 2 or Marvel Superheroes: War of the Gems) went for $60 ($116.00 in today’s money). Most PS1 games were $40. PS1 owners typically had far larger libraries than N64 gamers in my experience.

It was always the Saturn that called out to me at demo kiosks because it was such a white whale in the wild. I don't think I knew anyone who had one. 

From what I get, it’s not as simple as two players in the same general spot in the game world. Co-op in this game allows for players to be in totally different places in the game world, so the system has to be able to render split-screen independently, which is a big ask with a game of this scope. Then, or course, you

It doesn’t reach the height of LttP, and I found ALBW it to be the easiest Zelda I’ve ever played, but the nostalgia of revisiting that map does a lot of heavy lifting in my enjoyment of the title. 

GoW seems to have a crashing problem on the Deck lately. It works, but, as you said, not well. Another PS exclusive that runs well and is a good handheld experience is Days Gone.

LTTP and the GB/GBC games need to be higher. Even when Link’s Awakening originally came out, it's level of sprite work and art was very impressive on the system. With it and Super Mario Land: 6 Golden Coins, Nintendo did a phenomenal job of splitting the difference between NES and SNES-level sprite work. 

I’m disappointed to see Super Noah’s Ark 3D and no other Wisdom Tree games, particularly their batshit-crazy Zelda-like “Spiritual Warfare.” It was actually kind of compelling for the time because it took the Zelda template and laid it on a modern city; it was the first game that gave me the ability to sort of free