
VIP tip: check with your city utilities. Some may offer rebates. My city, for example, offers a $50 rebate for installing any wi-fi thermostat if I buy it locally ($25 rebate if I buy off the internet). A $50 rebate chops this price down by more than 50%!

VIP tip: check with your city utilities. Some may offer rebates. My city, for example, offers a $50 rebate for

Using the same logic, we also celebrate millions of uninsured now having health insurance thanks to...being forced to buy it. Congratulations to us! We got more people to buy the product [via coercion], and we didn’t even have to solve any of the root problems!

Yes. Let’s build movie theaters in airports, that pretty much guarantee that start and end times of movies will never coincide with any traveler’s particular layover or wait time, when 95+% of travelers are carrying around smartphones with data plans upon which they can play any movie they care to stream, and are able

I had a similar experience — bad experience, left a bad review, and then saw a response from the business that I had tried to extort money out of them after leaving a negative review as a bribe to get work done cheaper or have the review retracted.

The Obama administration has just put the pin in HSA’s, unfortunately. (…). As of now, it’s unlikely that you will be able to shop for an HSA in the next available open enrollment.

Actually one of the most important things isn’t mentioned in this article: it’s a few lines up: “Crashed thread.”

If it supports x number of USB cameras, how do you effectively run long USB cables without having to invest a ton in extra repeaters? How can you use this setup for a medium or large house which exceeds the maximum length of a USB cable?

I know you’d never do it, because of the maturity of the average internet user, but I think it’d be kinda cool to do Lifehacker reviews of politicians and their policies. :) Like, maybe purposely try and get less partisan approaches and try and weigh the good and the bad of specific policies. I guess it’d turn out a

*jesse pinkman voice YEAH SCIENCE!

Monoprice also has an action cam, and it's substantially cheaper than either. I haven't read any head-to-head comparisons, though. You may want to google for them.

Monoprice also has an action cam, and it's substantially cheaper than either. I haven't read any head-to-head