
Syndergaard later said he was "shocked", as he thought things didn't go in the trash until July.

This is not a fair well

-Baby Jessica

Fingers crossed for an open world Candy Crush RPG.

I am hoping it is a Fallout 4 announcement and whenever it does come out if they announce it I will build a new pc so I can play it on PC and not console so I can take advantage of all the mods for it that will eventually come out for it.

From what I read, Hardy and his brother solved the mystery and proved his innocence in one of their toughest cases yet!

Say "it's smarmy and dumb" a bunch more times and I'll bet people will start agreeing with you, bro.

The award is good and this take isn't even all that hot, it's just dumb. Atlanta has five guys that most fans haven't heard of, or probably watched. We keep talking about how the NBA is changing. Fuck, just yesterday Deadspin officially retired the Triangle Offense or something. Now the NBA is like: hey, check these

Maybe they are making an exception because, you know, it was a historically best month.

It's called publicity. Just as you said, "the NBA's Player of the Month awards aren't worth talking or writing about, even among people who talk and write about NBA stuff" but now you are talking about it. As a Hawks fan, even I can agree that "silly" is a good adjective for it since it is an award for one person but

There's an alternate explanation that's less silly (but still silly because it's a silly award). Instead of crossing their fingers that one of its most marketable teams makes the finals from the East - we're looking at you, Cleveland and Chicago - it's trying to promote the team that right now seems most likely to.

"This award is stupid and meaningless and not worth discussing. That being said, the decision of who won said stupid and meaningless award is stupid and meaningless."

That's incredible. I didn't realize that Sammy Sosa was on Saved by the Bell.

I feel like it should be a red flag if a prostitute uses the term "intercourse."

Oh my goddess.

"If they see you making decisions only in economic terms, they start to understand that and question what you're all about." — 21st Century America, in a nutshell.

Christie already burned that bridge...

You must have an enormous vagina if you require 4 seats to air it out.

No, you're right. Men have the monopoly on being assholes in public.

Well I for one am glad we're talking about this super serial issue that affects people everywhere. After all, it's common knowledge that men are dumb brutes whose conduct must be challenged and corrected if women are ever to be equal in today's society.

Lol at all of this. This is what feminism has become in 2014? "Sometimes when I'm using public transport, a guy's knee will touch mine. Instead of asking him to move his leg, I like to discreetly take a photo of it so I can post it online (without his consent) so that other women (and men) can complain about him with