This may have been pointed out already (comments tl;dr) but by calling it "Dove soap" in the headline you're perpetuating the misconception that this whole article strives to abolish. Just sayin '.
This may have been pointed out already (comments tl;dr) but by calling it "Dove soap" in the headline you're perpetuating the misconception that this whole article strives to abolish. Just sayin '.
Dove is the best shut the fuck up Albert.
If its working keep using it. Burnkeo's straight up wrong in this article. Dove has all the surfactants of any other soap brand.
It say's "1/4 moisturizing cream" right on the box.
And tell us again why you think Dove's advertisement is sleazy and exploitative because as far as I've seen they're doing a damn good job letting girls know they don't have to look a certain way, which should be done more by other companies because Hollywood, bad product or not. All I see from this post is someone…
You got acne because you used a bar of soap to wash your face, which dried out the skin and caused your pores to compensate by producing excess oil. Dove might suck, but washing your face with any bar of soap is an awful idea.
You're not clean unless it hurts.
So Dove is garbage because you're using it wrong? Got it.
Hey, did you ever consider I might LIKE being a greasy bastard?!? (BTW Trailer Park Boys season 9 is now on Netflix)
I've always refused to use any soap besides Dove, because everything else makes me feel all sticky after using it. I don't necessarily think it's bad to have some oils contained within soap, especially considering it is unnatural and harmful to one's skin to wash them all off. Same reason people use conditioner after…
what's the alternative? Irish Spring which is a soap form of a Brillo pad?
Dove happens to be the only thing I've found that I can wash with and not get a rash.
Counter argument, I use dove and smell great, don't have dirt all over me, and my skin is not dry.
Hm. Like you, I also had dry skin and using Dove solved those issues. Unlike you, I had acne before I started using Dove, and it went away after I started using Dove.
Gawker...ripping Buzzfeed for deleting post critical of sponsor, yet disables comments on sponsored posts
Buddy. Who died and made you soap police? But seriously, folks. I will counter this anecdotal diatribe with a story of my own. I use Dove in the shower and I'm generally clean/not greasy. It appears to function as soap. What did Dove do to you, man?
this is baffling. look at any picture of a package of dove, it says very clearly right on the damn front of the box "moisturizing cream." they aren't trying to hide it, is one of only six things written on the front. i'm sorry if you can't read the box, but there is no false pretenses going on the behalf of dove,…
Someone has to replace Andy Rooney.
You say Dove is not soap like that's a bad thing. If you just washed yourself less, you'd be happy and healthier.