
I'm confused.. there were no backwards crazy democrats elected either? I'm in the under 30 group and I see both sides as just bastard coated bastards and voting as a pick your favorite liar contest. The only marginal distinction I can see is that the Republicans might cut my taxes and that the Democrats might increase

and props to the Democrats who blocked immigration reform and expanded background checks for guns, thinking it would save them, and then ended up losing anyway. Good job, pals.

I'm 40. How the fuck is it so hard for 18-30 year olds to get to the polls? I've voted in every state, federal and municipal election since 1992. It is truly not that difficult. What it requires is an iota of common sense and planning. Did you just move? Figure out where your fucking polling place is? Request a

Yeah. Blame the politicians. Lil Jon flew cross country to vote but Jon Stewart couldn't even be bothered to figure it out. This is EXACTLY the Democrat way you just complained about in the article, it's always on "others" to figure it out. How about Jezebel figures it out? And I'm not being facetious. You have

Thank you! Jezebel is ignoring a pattern of sleezy Lena behavior because Lena is the Jezebel ideal. Which is bad enough - she is a boring rich talentless white chick who capitalizes on the perpetuation of millennial feminists as sociopathic chic hippies. I've honestly been waiting to see Jezebel's remarks on this and

Fucking exactly. There is so much more to this than simply peering into your sister's vagina at a young age. While I don't think Lena Dunham is necessarily a sexual predator, I do think it's ridiculous how outraged and immediately defensive she became when people started questioning these passages from her book. If

THANK YOU. One more thing: Lena also relishes in delivering her sister bad news (like their grandfather dying) because it would mean that her sister would give her attention. That is some next level shit.

Pretty much. Funny how there is no mention of Lena dressing up her 5 year old sister as a Hells Angel sex toy as she posted on instragram or of 17 year old Lena masterbating herself while her sister slept nearby or of Lena grooming her sister by bribing her with candy or even of Lena outing her sister and removing her

Or maybe, now bare with me here...

I suggest you read some of the other comments here then. Because I'm hardly the only one who picked up on it. Also, that's the same excuse feminists on this site regularly trot out against the 'misogynist bastards' who dare call them out on their double standards. It's not blatant misogyny, it's the undercurrent

Give me a break. There is a very obvious tone to this article that makes light of the assault because the victim is somehow 'associated' with Fox News and his beating is therefore justified. And the guy is totally hot and therefore an okay guy who we'd probably jump in bed with. Jezebel publicly crucifies anyone

theWHITEborpo: Look at you tripping over boxes to be the first to ring the racist bell! Kudos!

I feel like I'm walking into some sort of test of my ethics here. Like, if I respond, "Yep, He hot!", the feminist police will suddenly jump on me and call me a hypocrite. Because, really, running a story like this on a blog that is constantly calling out menfolk for objectifying women is hypocritical beyond the

Exactly. This is why I refuse to take the criticisms on this website, valid or otherwise, seriously. This article was written with the sole purpose of sexually objectifying a violent criminal. Jian Ghomeshi is deemed, (perhaps rightfully I might add), a deviant monster who should be strung from the nearest tree

Again with this? Didn't we have a fruitful discussion around the Jeremy Meeks mugshot about how angry we would be if this were a woman's mugshot, and how disrespectful it is to focus on and disseminate a random individual's crimes because he or she happens to be conventionally attractive? My God! Have we learned

Oh boy, time for white feminists to objectify more men of color! Great work, gals!

I get what you're saying, but I find it odd how someone like you who comes to reasonable conclusions in one thing comes to the conclusion that Sarkeesian is 'attacking' video games because she hates men, which I think is a little presumptuous.

I wonder how many angry e-mails Budlight with Lime and Prescott Pharmaceuticals are gonna get this week.

It's She-Gambit.

It's She-Gambit.