
I do think such threats are diabolic, and a terrifying thing to happen. What I disagree with is thinking that everyone in GamerGate subscribes to those horrific acts. Its like saying every feminist and SJW is insane, which I think isn't true. I've interacted with people on both sides, and I've seen both rational

tl;dr the entire games journalism industry including shittaku are massively corrupt hypocrites

More or less but some important points:

Has Kotaku written ANY articles laying out these 'ostensible' ethical criticisms? Not that I've seen. Instead they focus on the select few rotten apples in an otherwise valid movement which is a long standing well documented tactic to shut down people who disagree with you. This fact alone brings serious question

I'm all against discrimination of women, threats to anyone because of their views, DOXing, and all the nasty stuff that is coming from some GamerGate people (note: not ALL of them, as some are generalizing and demonizing GamerGate as a whole).

This whole thing is just tiring. All of it. Gamergaters, journalists, the "social justice" types, everyone. Nobody comes out of this clean. Everybody involved in this whole thing wants to act like they have the moral high ground, and everybody has their pet cause that they're fighting for and pushing for and its just ok when the other side does it? The whole point was to show how freedom of art and speech and expression are being muffled. Case and point. Bayonetta is getting a mixed bag of reviews because of the characters sexuality. Really.... does that affect the game, the way it plays. And

I agree, this started as a dispute between a boyfriend and girlfriend, then it became an attack on all women, then #gamergate became a terrorist organization, and now it's a way for Kotaku to generate website traffic. It's amazing how these things evolve isn't it?

This right here.

what is at odds with what you wrote is that there are plenty of people saying that gamergate is full of violent women haters and nothing but. This isn't true.

Now playing

Every time you guys say "stop talking about gamergate", I think of this:

This is all going nowhere. Why? Because people are still grouping a bunch of different ideology into one group.

Just like the article in Gawker before that, and Kotaku before that. They are the ones keeping the discussion alive and spreading it across their various forums. I didn't know a thing about any of this before a couple of days ago, I wasn't involved until they got me involved, I have no horse in this race. I have

I see the entire Gawker Media is coming out in defense of Kotaku's ethical lapses and the victimhood industry, aka Jezebel's north star.

it's a multi-billion dollar industry. And since you ventured onto Deadspin, I would assume you are at least a mild sports fan. You may even have a favorite athlete. There is a 99% chance said favorite athlete plays video games, as a for instance. Way to have any knowledge about the topic you're trying to talk

Read what? Corruption in media? Corruption in the Secret Service? Corruption in local politics?

I have a hard time figuring out exactly what GamerGate is or what the beliefs are, but there definitely seems to be evidence of improper relationships between game developers and reviewers, and collusion between reviewers. Kotaku is one of the sites that being criticized here.

You're on a slipper slope here as giving a shit about TV shows, movies, music, video games, or sports also go hand-in-hand with being an immature weirdo. Everybody is nerdy about something. It's just most of us have significant others, or kids, or jobs, or friends, or anything else that puts things in perspective so