“The MSC ship had an engine failure, which was immediately reported by the captain,”... oh nice work.
This is my setup. It's loud. It works.
A demon and an angel need to kill lots of people to stop Armageddon.
O.G. Lawn Darts. A game so poorly thought out by the “greatest generation” that it will forever go down in infamy as being as fun as it was deadly.
O.G. Lawn Darts. A game so poorly thought out by the “greatest generation” that it will forever go down in infamy as…
I’ll rec Stiff by Mary Roach, too. Not sure how much overlap there is with the other book, but Stiff is pretty interesting and Mary Roach is a very clever writer.
I really enjoyed that book too and followed it with The American Way of Death: Revisited, by Jessica Mitford, which has completely changed how I feel about burial, etc.
Stan Lee is the avatar of an autistic boy staring into a snowglobe.
It doesnt take much to remove it unless it was left on for 17 consecutive winters and is now rusted in place
I don’t know why.......... but this story made me think of “Take it Easy” by The Eagles:
I don’t see a smile, I see a smirk. And it’s not a confident smirk, either; it’s a smirk that says, shit, I started into this and all my pals— the other kids whose parents’ plunked down $130 for my march-for-life trip to D.C. (which is a million miles further away from home than I’ve ever been)— are watching, so I…
I wanna dance with somebody who loves me.
F-15? Now it’s more like an F-14½.
Update: the National Park Foundation + other charities have stepped up and turned the lights back on. I don’t understand why we have to pay taxes for services we don’t receive.
Yessir, that’s New Deal Used Cars... Now wait just a Goddamn minute. What the hell is this? Is this a 1974 Ford Reconditioned Bronco for hundred-eighty-four thousand dollars? That’s too fucking high! Yessir. We blew the shit out of that over-priced motherfucker just the way we blow the shit out of all high prices,…
is the battery in the back supposed to be new? I have a 15-20 year old black diamond headlamp setup that way. Honestly, being that old, it isn’t very bright and I’ve been considering upgrading for that reason.
is the battery in the back supposed to be new? I have a 15-20 year old black diamond headlamp setup that way.…
I have a pair and very highly recommend them. More bass than the size suggests and they can get loud enough to fill a good size room.
I have a pair and very highly recommend them. More bass than the size suggests and they can get loud enough to fill…