The “Max A/C” button is the coolest thing in my car.
Well the roof fell off in this case by all means but it’s very unusual.
at the very least some tow points front and rear and some skid plating and even that would help in areas with actual winter storms. It sucks to try to pull cars out of snow banks with no hard points.
“One thing about living in Santa Carla I never could stomach: all the damn vampires.”
A towel is about the most massively useful thing an interstellar hitchhiker can have.
Who’s to say they didn’t invent it? :)
Congratulations to Mr. Tatis for doing an awesome thing :)
You want the ring? The RING?
Holy fuck, what a yikes sandwich. Like, a literal sandwich. With antisemitic bread. My Shitty Internet Commenter bingo card has the three-fer of Godwin’s Law, neo-nazism, and Tesla stanning all checked off. Am I missing any?
“And I hope we never have to do it again.”
Goodwill is a for-profit business that does very little for the community. The name “Goodwill” is just a clever marketing tool that has allowed them to be a permanent garage sale selling other people's garbage.
That sucks, I’m sorry the skaters were bullies. In my high school, jocks, preppies & skanks ruled the halls. Skaters were NOT popular and hung out with all us misfits & weirdos. Granted, I grew up in New England in the late 80s/early 90s - I can imagine in places like Southern California, skaters may have had more…