
Looks like a mach-e- ato... Pulling out of cars and coffee..

I never know which ones to get.. you mean these?

In case anyone who is wondering what the market demographic is for this vehicle is...

Toughen up and go out in a t-shirt. Let that southern blood thicken up ya sissy.

Toughen up and go out in a t-shirt. Let that southern blood thicken up ya sissy.

I am being serious.. I got them thinking I would stretch the hard top to fit my cj-6... But found a perfect nos soft top for it.

David.. I have a hard top and two tone hard doors that will fit your Willy’s.

We burn our leaves. Those that land on the lambo will take care of themselves.


It isn’t old but my daughter informed me that imagine dragons song lightning says "fun dip" instead of thunder... Can't unhear it now.

Now playing

Sorry, I choose Rimmerworld as the epitome of cloning gone bad. Then, there is this:

Are they supposed to do that?

Now playing

This has a serious Parker Lewis vibe to it!

No good deed goes unpunished.