
Might have to challenge this idea.

the royal penis is clean, your highness. 

There REALLY should have been a reference to Zamunda in Black Panther.

Im willing to believe that the pitch for Barbershop was “Remember the barbershop in Coming to America? That. For 90 minutes. But then they forgot to get Murphy to help write it.

That would make entirely too much sense.

Couldn’t they just send an usher with her?

 Wow, Erica Ash is truly floating. Why?

It’s also to close to Collard, and I’ll be damned if they take that too.

Shit. Forgot blue collar. And also white collar. Apparently white people are the only people with collars.

“It’s literally the right to always be on top.”

It’s the right to never, ever have to be confronted with reality. The right to never, ever be denied anything because of their own fucking mediocrity. The right to shit all over everything and everyone that is different from them, without consequences that range from losing jobs to losing respect and deference. The

We need a massive counterprotest with a diverse crowd marching in lockstep to the south of “Battle Hymn of the Republic”, with special emphasis on the underused third verse that says “May the hero, born of woman, crush the serpent with his heel”, because what are these cowards if not snakes?

And he’s already been identified...

Anyone mildly annoyed by being paid in change does not deserve to have a business.

If your reaction to being paid in change morphs from mild annoyance escalating right into verbal and physical assault, you need to be removed from society for awhile.

Let me get this straight. A guy named “Islam” called a woman the n word in america?

I’m in the “no song exists” camp, but my guesses:

But reflecting on all of this, I really do have to raise my glass for Pusha Thanos. He quietly collected all the infinity stones, then made a trap. And Captain Canada in his arrogance walked straight into it, and didn’t realize what was up until it was too late. And in doing so Pusha Thanos created enough name

Drake reveals that Kanye is actually Rob kardashian in blackface.

The real Ye moved to South Africa with Mos Def in 2012 and is now a High School drama teacher.