Belgian visionary Dries van Noten always has a strong point of view, one accompanied by perfect tailoring and…
Belgian visionary Dries van Noten always has a strong point of view, one accompanied by perfect tailoring and…
Uh, not a U.S. Supreme Court judge. A New York state judge. New York state trial courts are called “Supreme Courts” (even though they are actually the lowest courts in NY, not the highest as you might think given the word “Supreme”).
I can believe that if the 2003 internet was going to share one thing and one thing only, it would be an ASCII version of the matrix.
What about the rif on #OscarsSoWhite? They did a pretty good job on that one too.
“I made a joke about dating, and then AMY made a joke about dating!! THEN I made a joke about boobs, and of course Amy went and made a boob-joke too! Then I did this whole bit where it would be surprising that I was being crass because I am a girl, you know? Guess what! AMY went and did that too! And Amy NEVER steals…
“at least Cosby knocked his victims out b4 he raped them.”
He is the worst for other reasons, but she took off her top and she has breast implants. Come on. Do you really think she was offended? She was prancing around topless. And I say this as someone who is a sex-worker.
“Wow, what is in that cup?” Anderson asked quietly.
Sikh and Islam are completely different religions which aren’t remotely related to each other. It’s like racists aren’t even trying to educate themselves anymore.
But baby it’s less rapey outside.
Damn, this guy must be on a whole assortment of government watch lists.
Respected artist Noriyoshi Ohrai died earlier today, reports the Japanese media. You might not know his name, but…
If you think a minor traffic infraction remotely justifies attempted murder: Fuck You.
Not to beat on someone that’s already down, but WTF. The rider was an idiot. Don’t do illegal shit will riding illegally.
Black Jesus rode into town on an ass......
Go home Kraven. You’re drunk.
Jay Cutler has zero chill.
This big-ass brown bear thought he had found himself a nice spot to chill, but then some jabroni with a camera came…
And both groups of people are products of a lot of interracial mixing. In other words, racists aren’t just ugly on the inside.