
That's true but don't you think it's also serving the dual purpose of creating a ton of hype for +

True, I got it in 2007 when I went to college, and so it was good timing for me. It would have to be available to everyone of a certain age to accomodate those who didn't go to college and/or graduated, which I would be fine with. I just felt much more comfortable on it before there were a thousand high schoolers on

Lol interesting I've been to the Golden Gate many times, always in a car though, and I've never noticed. Awesome Idea

I've never seen a bridge with a bike lane over it, is that normal in NY, because that's the most awesome thing I've ever seen!

You'd be amazed how many people commute on big full suspension mountain bike here in Salt Lake. A lot of people opt to commute on their nice mtn bikes instead of buying new bikes and it blows my mind, personally I have a road bike and would never want to deal with that.

Haha way to use the:

It seems more and more like this isn't so much a beta as it is an exclusivity ploy to get people to want to join. Pretty much everyone is able to join as soon as they get and invite these days, why would Google let an unlimited ammount of people join the beta?

Anytime, I don't know where I'd get all the good laughs and good info all in the same place. That and I really don't know if I would survive work everyday.

These are the times when I love that I read Giz almost every day

It seems to me that 8 bucks for unlimited streaming alone is such a good deal, I can't believe so many people are this upset about it. Think about how much you used to pay for DVD's in the video rental store, they were like 6 bucks for a new release for a week. It seems like people can't really complain if netflix is

Lol you're going to feel bad when you find out he has no legs and only buys shoes to carry with him...

Lol ya just didn't get it

I looked rather hard, and I think I may be blind, wher is this shield you speak of?

Man I agree, the facebook app crashes so much it's retarded using it. Lately it crashes every time I enter a new chat, and won't refresh whatever a notification sends me to. Gah

Haha referring to my smart phone... obviously

"Yo dawg, check out this dope new smartphone I got, only costs me 10% of my salary!"

That was supposed to stop coming out of high school?? .... Shit

Being an engineer and often giving directions to people overseeing the construction of projects; If anything was build 100% to engineering spec 99.99% of everything would not fail instead of just 99.9%. Who knows who's fault it was, I know you don't.

Pretty sure Booz Allen Hamilton is a private contractor. In which case the gov wasn't in control of our soldiers' passwords.

Haha I agree, I don't think fat people look like that