
Hmm thanks!

I laughed at this and then though about it and have come to the conclusion that the ratio of Teslas to air pressure is not linear. And if that's not the case, then the pressure may be 200 times the air pressure but that is inside the copper wire, not around the magnet.

Jesus, this thing is getting close to my computer in power. 1.2 dual core ship with 1 gb of ram is a ton.

Sounds like a great business plan to me. I'd imagine a lot of people will be upset that Apple is limiting everyone elses supply of top of the line parts, but the manufacturers can't produce any of those parts if it's not for the cash Apple fronts them in the first place (assuming this is true and all).

Great thanks, I'll have to keep that in mind as I may be in the market for a house soon!

What's good about CarZen and Trulia? Sorry I could look it up but I'm at work without my iPad.

I totally agree, I don't think Facebook can sustain the popularity level it's at and will eventually die out. I'm suprised Zuck doesn't realize this, if I was him I would sell... Today.

After all this time of the iPad being out, I really thought by now someone would have made a comparable tablet. It's general opinion, of reviewers and the majority, that the iPad is overall STILL leaps and bounds ahead of any other tablet. Sure some tablets have better hardware and some like Honeycomb more, but

Right... So if I can sync with my computer over WiFi, or download songs from the cloud over WiFi and store them locally on my iDevice, what's the difference? Can I still download songs and such to my device over 3G while I'm away from the computer to store them locally instead of stream them?

Because of the network? AT&T's network?

I really don't understand, how is syncing to the cloud then any different from syncing to your computer except wirelessly, which if i remember correctly iOS5 has. I thought the whole point of the cloud was so that I can keep my 50 gig music/movie library at my fingertips wherever I am.

Most definitely not, the article uses "water" loosly

Very true! They vary greatly, from what I know is that for many "low profile" where the employer doesn't really care but just has to do it from government regulations pretty much aka fast food companies and restaurants and such generally test with a chemical strip. The strip is dirt cheap, can be bought at many drug

It stops tasting like piss at about 0 Kelvin, and as an added bonus basically everything about it stops...

I'll give this a "just for the hell of it" rating at best

I agree with you and am about the same, but I totally disagree with caffeine. Why do you think caffeine is worse? A health problem sure but worse than that?

Lol I highly doubt it, I operate a machine at my work that is used to do urine analysis (we don't actually use it for that) and it definitely could show some odd stuff because of the plastic, but in such low concentrations that it wouldn't send up any red flags.

This is absolutely insane.... I hope something gives before my contract is up in like 18 months

Very good point, but I think that this is also outside of internet based companies influence.

They're definitely working on it. I took a tour a year or two ago to Engineering facilities at Dugway Proving grounds (army testing base in the middle of the desert) and they were working on a few different tents and such to improve the heating and cooling situation. Thing is that air conditioners are very efficient,