
At first I thought the article was about carrier unlocking hence the "they'll be unlocking phones for a small fee". But a quick trip over to engadget proved otherwise...

You sir just made my day... No wait my week.

Holy shit! Netflix has power rangers now?!? I know what I'm doing this weekend, do they have the original series??

Same here, but granted I am using IE (an older version). Gotta love work comps, do you think it will still work?

Goldeneye was also my first thought of seeing that picture. Absolutely fantastic movie!

Lol this is fucking retarded, but in my opinion iOS devices are far from a pain in the ass. Idk anyone who would ever want this unless for some reason you really didn't have access to a computer for a very long time, and with the iCloud launching they're about 5 years too late.

Lol we were doing shots one time and my roommate introduced us to lighting them on fire first and then taking them.

Ahh got it, thanks! I was expecting higher from the 4G, but I was assuming you were on Verizon's LTE, but that makes sense with Sprint.

What network are you on? I'm lucky to hit .5 Mbps on 3G verizon with optimal signal. With half signal it goes down to a solid .2Mbps, it's really pathetic.

Not gonna lie, I'd be pretty upset if the iPad 3 launched before Christmas. I got my iPad 2 a few months ago and it still feels brand new, definitely don't want it to be outdated after just a couple months of use.

Ya I agree, it kinda sucks, but it also makes sense from a business standpoint I guess. No one would ever buy the unsubsidized locked phone if the unlocked was the same price.

No, it means you can use it on any carrier. Well GSM carries that is if you have the sim card for that carrier I believe.

This must be a group of super advanced humans that have evolved from walking to waddling.

Perhaps a little bit of an elitist comment, but please, if you don't know the concept of buoyancy by the time you graduate high school, you should not have been given a diploma. And just to throw this out there, I do have a degree or two above high school.

Anyone with a high school education should know this ...

It doesn't matter how big of an ass hole you are or how you look if you make as much as Jobs

$135, are you high. I can get a nice pair of oakleys like this (Jupiters) for $85 which I can guarantee are higher quality. Don't get me wrong, the idea is great, but IMO not for something so expensive that's just trendy.

Isn't the internet considered to cross state lines therefore making it the federal governments territory and not the state legislature?

Agreed, Agreed. And I could think of a few multi-billion dollar programs they could cut to fund this which I wouldn't mind to see.

This is fairly different, at least the way I understand it. Macs and PCs can just fine maximize windows, but that's a different "full screen" interface than what Lion is trying to do. I think they're trying to go beyond just taking up the whole screen, and having apps that utilize the entire screen without using tons