
Lol point noted, but the folding tablets aren't really going to be .6in is my bet, and in an overstuffed bag, the iPad actually does fit better since it's thinner.

Absolutely, you must be from another planet where the sun is always up and all lights are useless except in dark caves!

This guy is failing. He spends that much time doing this and that's the best he can come up with? I would like to see this except it reloads while you crank it

As they're assuming terrorists, I'm assuming physicists

Lol I'd argue just remove "rare" as long as we're talking about the last 10 years.

iPad for sure, notebooks and papers and books are about 9.5X7.5, thus I'd take the slimness of the iPad.

Holy jesus! I've never been to New York nor know anything about housing prices there but 1750-2500 a month is insane for a studio.

Exactly same price as an iPhone, an aging smart phone.

Definitely not a segway, notice the 3rd wheel on the back

Of course!

Because you can stream over WiFi, oh and Verizon doesn't have data caps for their iPhones and iPads. Lol sorry for the last little poke

Yes, a 1W laser may burn stuff, but it won't ignite fuel.

Good point, this would help fuel consumption though by burning fuel more efficiently, I shouldn't have said fuel consumption rather than overall energy efficiency of the car (which I believe they don't care any about).

The amount of energy required to make a spark compared to the amount of energy it takes to create a laser beam capable of igniting fuel is way way less.

Thanks for the info, do you know the amount of access other countries have to the info, I'm assuming many friendly countries use them quite heavily.

Are these paid for and implemented by just the U.S.? If not wouldn't that make their military value much less?

I would be surprised to see this implemented anytime soon in consumer cars, because it seems that the amount of energy put into shooting a laser into say 6 cylinders 2000 times per minute (1 ignition X 6 cylinders X 2000rpm = 12000 laser beams per minute = lots of lasers) has to negate any increase in fuel efficiency

Percentages don't work that way. If AT&T iPhone sales were 20% and Verizon iPhone sales were 30% and these were the only 2 carriers, that would account for 25% of nation wide phone sales assuming they split market share 50/50.

"even though it appears to rely on tower triangulation rather than GPS pinpointing"

Good for Google trying to go green, bad for the US overall. "Traditional" power supply ideals in the US is to supply a huge area with one plant. Doesn't work so well with wind and solar and many green supplies due to the huge amount of space they take up.