
This is precisely why I bought an iPhone when it came out for Verizon. My phone had broken and I had to wait 3 painful weeks until the iPhone came out, during which I seriously considered getting an android. The fact that the HTC eris that a friend has is still running the original version of android and has been

4TH one down under productivity... glasses?

I completely agree. A new iOS would be awesome at this point as long as you have an iPhone 4, 3GS owners are going to be pissed tho.

I would hardly say apple's market-share is "plummeting"... yes it is decreasing, but for a single (now 2 carriers) phone and OS versus an entire fleet of phones on every network with another OS, they know they are going to lose some market share. That is the least of their concerns right now.

And not know a picture was taken of you for an add

I can't believe how correct the Gmail one is about me, the only real difference being I'm not single.

No kidding, I find that the worst complaint ever. And what would you rather have: An iPad that's thicker and heavier so the port fits in it better. Or a lighter and thinner iPad that the port doesn't fit amazingly in?

I totally agree with you. And waiting until it becomes a more widely adopted platform is also what I would do and what most "advanced" users are probably doing, and that is why we won't see an Android takeover of iOS anytime soon.

I agree with you that all *Initial* Android products are released too early just to get them out there and they are pieces of crap. Buying any first gen android device is a huge waste of money on a crappy device, but once the devices mature, such as android phones have, they become fantastic devices.

Lol funny I've never seen rtfa before, but I knew right off the bat exactly what it meant

I was wondering the same thing about netflix. Wouldn't Apple only be able to take a 30% cut of what the app costs (which is free, so none) and revenue from the app (which is none since there are no adds).

Do you really even need the first gen? A serious question, I have been contemplating buying one because I really like them but can't bring myself to do it because I have heard of so many cases of people that don't know what to do with them.

yes anti-apple fanboys are incognito ms fanboys

My girlfriend has an HP with a seamless trackpad and using it is a horrible experience as many have said. No boundary to tell when you're leaving the trackpad area is a horrible idea. The seamlessness is a great visual design idea, but there needs to to recessed just enough so your finger can feel when you leave the

Agreed and I think you'll be alright, probably the only people disagreeing with you are MS fanboys

I completely agree, you don't use tablets like smart phones (like these manufacturers seem to think) and 3G versions of tablets are useless, because where you use your table (at home, in school, at work) are all places with wifi.

When I think of staying warm camping you hit the nail on the head with the whiskey, but never leave home without this either

yaaaaay!! more eclipses!!

You know what they should have done, is make one side a touch screen and one side a keyboard, then just done away with the touchscreen and added some real computing power to make it useful...