
The TSA is going to have a field day with this. They can't find a gun they're sure as hell not going to be able to find this knife.

@fifteen_sunrises: Spectacular Idea, too bad going back to the moon is looking doubtful in our near future.

I completely agree that a graphing calculator is a great investment for college, but the Ti 84 is the biggest waste of money ever. It does nothing more than the 83+ and is considerably more expensive.

@TheEC: People did come forward however. The head engineer for the SRB motors team from Morton Thiokol tried to tell NASA not to launch and NASA and the head of MT told him to fuck off. They knew it was too cold to launch and no one listened to them and also fired the guy that tried to tell them they shouldn't

Lol either he actually did nothing good this year or he got this award because all that money he has and is donating to charity... Duh. Time loves people who donate to charity *Cough* Bono, I'm not surprised at all Zuckerberg got it.

"In mother Russia... screw facebook"

@Lactose_The_Intolerant: Sweet Jesus, I just turned add block off for about 5 minutes and realized how many adds my browser actually blocks on the internet. Madness

@TaterSalad: They're one step ahead of ya

@bdinger: You make a very good point. I have had a similar experience.

New touch with facetime, updated iPods, that's it

@Curves: Lol from much experience everclear will produce the same effect, typically faster though

Completely agree I love android but this is where Jobs actually has a valid point in keeping the iOS closed and only on the iPhone

But what happens when rich people can't decide between fish and hamsters?!?!

"Ya that rock we know lots about, really close to Earth... turns out we didn't know that much about it"

@zaxwashere: Government bail out money has not time! So there's still a ton of time!

@shimanopower: 1, 2, 3... Shit! I was in NYC and there's a withdrawl for $$888,8888 from my iPhone!

@FiskFisk33: Drum sets come pre-installed at random places in this type of building