“I did not mean to be aggressive”
“I did not mean to be aggressive”
The expression “blood is thicker than water” originally meant that the bond between comrades is stronger than family, as in bathing in the blood of your enemies is a pretty powerful bonding experience, and it has been bastardized into meaning the exact opposite.
Unsolicited advice from someone who survived a very necessary estrangement from her own mother: beware of anyone who attempts to convince you that you should be able to look past this. I wish someone had told me 20 years ago that “blood is not thicker than safety.” Thank you and good luck.
Wow. This is incredibly sexist. I’m a clear-eyed 35 year old who is very politically engaged and sure about my choices so I can brush such patronizing bullshit, but I think most women would be very insulted that you’d collapse their agency and the totality of their choice into mindless function of their gender.
I mean, the only problem with her comment was that it implied that women could not decide for themselves which candidate they preferred. In fact, this study proves quite the opposite; the women in this study were shown to have -no- preference for men, where men have huge preference for men. So actually, this shows…
Thank you for doing this! It sucks that we need advocates like you, but it’s wonderful that you’re there. Especially since standing up for ourselves too strongly can sometimes have adverse effects.
As a guy, I’ve gotten really good and loud at informing superiors that it was my FEMALE collegue whose idea that guy had just stolen. Yep, it was HER idea! It was HER suggestion. My male collegues have been disgusted with me for this, snapping that “it’s a group effort” and “we’re meant to approach this as a team!”…
I’m actively working to not raise my son this way, and it’s a struggle for him because now, at 7, so many boys and girls are acculturated into gender normatives that he’s really constantly explaining how yes, girls are awesome and can do awesome things just like boys (he likes to play female characters in games, for…
Sometimes it’s not just “because you are female” but “because I am attracted to you and intimidated by the idea that you might be smarter/more capable/more successful than I am.”
They don’t control sex. They control access to their own fucking bodies, just as men do for their own fucking bodies.
I feel like this issue is hard to accept, but easy to understand: Human civilization is about 11.000 years old. Up until the last few decades, it was the general, accepted consensus that the female half of this civilization is less intelligent and capable to succeed in the sciences, politics or the business world as…
That’s a completely baseless assertion. How can you presume that this is a responsible use of time and physical/emotional/mental energy for someone when you have no idea what other kinds of demands are on their time and energy?
I think a lot of it comes down to upper body strength rather than access to information. Fabricating I can pretty much always find a way to use my hips when my arms fail me, when it comes to the weird positions you can get into working on cars I have to use more force with my arms and hands than I’m capable of…
Eh, I was a fabricator for 3 years, this required me to be a metalworker, a painter, an electrician, a carpenter, a welder, a graphic designer, a troubleshooting and installation specialist and a whole other slew of necessary skills and I am completely incompetent when it comes to vehicles. I’ve tried to work on my…
Johnny Wrench-in-need.
You’re assuming I have space where I can work on my car, though. A lot of apartment complexes don’t allow you do to major (or even minor) car repairs in the parking lot, not to mention, how the hell are you going to raise up the car to change out the brake pads, etc? You’re just gonna scooch under there or what?
I’ve done self car repair, and in addition to being truly fucking TERRIFYING, it takes hours upon hours. Some people just don’t have that.
I understand the point you are trying to make but you are assuming a lot of things. Like their public library even having a computer. Mine doesn’t. Theirs might not. Also they would have to walk there, that takes time they might not have. It could be taking time away from cooking a meal to save money, time away from…
Only if you have a place to do these repairs, and a place to keep all the stuff you need.
LOL, and if your car is already full of other things you need to store because you can’t afford a place big or safe enough to store your belongings? And you know enough about cars to identify what’s wrong with yours in the first place? And poor people, especially single parents, have tons of free time to spend on a…