The only proper way to acquire this car is from your grandparent’s estate.
The only proper way to acquire this car is from your grandparent’s estate.
OEM: “Hey! Look at all these color options we have!”
White is objectively the best color. Stays cool in the Texas heat, goes with most accessories (especially black and chrome), doesn’t show water spots, etc. In fact, you can go weeks without washing it and it looks clean. If there’s even a heavy dew outside, colors like black and red look like a spotted mess…
*Dealers shouldn’t be allowed to spec their cars
$42K for that Piaggio Ape? Shouldn’t $42K buy a fleet of those? Serious crack price. Yeah, I went there.
It’s a fantastic truck. The interior and build quality are definitely one of Tesla’s best.
I’m calling it a nice price for someone who can set aside the moral ambiguity and who lives far enough away that an enraged prior owner probably won’t track the car down.
While it’s probably a fair price, in today’s market, I’d be afraid of the karma that would come with it. Do I want to enable legalized extortion? Is the previous owner dead? Or in prison? A crime victim? Or, just incredibly stupid? A repo, for the same price, would have far fewer unanswered questions.
To be also fair, we could probably count on one hand the number of Prowler buyers who looked at the Prowler and then said, “wait, let me look at this thing’s specs.” This is probably true for both original and second-hand buyers, honestly. You see it and that’s the end of the calculus. You either want it or you don’t.
He doesn’t have time to double his money? Naw, people who can afford to drop $8600 to save a bit of time to arrange shipment to Mecum aren’t advertising on Craigslist either.
As for the Instagram handle, I agree, it feels like someone sniffing their own farts. No one likes your car enough to follow you.
The seller doesn’t have time to auction the car off and get twice as much for it? Bullshit. I don’t think it would even hit the current asking price at auction. This is a tacky, malaise-esque boat with a problem child engine crammed in the front so tightly that I don’t think you could slip an index card between it…
They also lack anything resembling reliability.
Tomorrow’s QOTD: What is the best engine size that contains the last four digits of your Social Security Number?
I too would like to live in a world where the trash collector pays me every day to pick up my garbage. But then again, if that were to happen, it would probably also mean living in some sort of Monkey’s Paw universe where I have to pay to go to work. I don’t think I want to be the one who establishes the precedent and…
Not surprising that there isn’t a single Toyota, Honda or Subaru on the list.
Given these all rusted out up here 20 years ago, you wouldn’t have gotten one for $1500 ten years ago. Welcome to 2023 prices.