Lou Guay

The airlines don’t care what the name is on the ticket, as long as the ticket is paid for. What they care deeply about is keeping all the various national government bodies who regulate and monitor air travel happy. When you have to satisfy the regulations of multiple entities, it’s easiest to always satisfy the most

Assuming the business owners had insurance (some retail businesses are nearly impossible to insure due to type and/or location), a small-business friendly “affordable” insurance policy usually includes a very large deductible. Between the deductible and loss of business while closed for repairs, the bakery will be

I’m not a cruise ship fan by any means, but bus tours are the 9th circle of hell.
Going on a large ship: major negatives: cost, it’s filled with a lot of ass-hats and port of calls can be a gong show due to 5000 other people getting there at the same time you do, worse if two or more ships are in port at the same time.

It’s nearly 50 years since I owned a Ford, or a Fiat, and nearly 40 since I owned a Chrysler - very bad ownership experiences with each. How bad? Our 88 Chevrolet Cavalier (warts and all) was a huge improvement. 
Maybe time to give them another try, but, I’ll go the safe route and rent first.

Once you have paid for the building, equipment, and the couple of kids to man the place all day, the marginal cost of actually washing a car rounds to nothing..”
The start-up costs (property purchase, building construction, equipment purchasing) usually take several years to pay off. Meanwhile, there are other signific

Signal lane changes - in Manitoba that’s seen as both a challenge and an insult.

Alternative headline: These brands get DUI offenders caught the most!

Hazards ahead: stalls, fresh accidents where the emergency vehicles are not yet in attendance and lanes are blocked, flooded underpasses, emergency infrastructure repair (few people expect to see water/sewer staff working in the street at 1:00 am), etc.
I find flashing when lights are off works about 1 in every 3.

Not a habitual horn user, but, my urban reality requires using the horn several times a year. Inattentive cyclists, pedestrians, and animals who try to dart into traffic without looking, drivers attempting unchecked lane changes into my vehicle, drivers backing up at me without looking (expected in parking lots, a

Probably not the most dangerous stunt I did driving, but arguably the stupidest.
High school, 1972. We stuffed 10 people in to my 1962 Corvair 700 sedan - four on each bench seat and two (buddy and his girlfriend) in the trunk. Then rat raced 9 blocks in traffic with a similarly overpacked Ford Falcon to a restaurant

Studebaker -

Give Elon credit - his shit show is easily explained as a somewhat effective heroic effort (and sacrifice) to divert some negative attention away from the Orange Jesus.

It’s past time to get very serious about driving while drunk - I’m hoping for at least 15 years prison time.
Adding some teeth into lifetime suspensions is long overdue. Besides charging a suspended driver if caught, add appropriate serious charges for the registered owner of the vehicle - maybe start with reckless

Hot pink fuzzy steering wheel cover. Ugly to look at and dangerous when installed due to sloppy loose fit.

...because they’re unsafe” - to GM’s profit margin.

The lack of Google Auto and Apple Car Play will become the number 1 reason people refuse to consider buying a new GM product. Dropping them may prove to be the worst marketing decision GM has ever made.

There are other possibilities besides vehicular malfunction: non-alcohol intoxication, or a medical incident should also be considered. Both could cause a momentary lapse where the accelerator is pushed in error.

Years ago one of our trains hit a car stopped at a level crossing. The last thing the crew saw before impact was the young female driver had turned to face the train, smiling and waving goodbye.

Sharing the highway with tractor-trailers. Blinding snow squall every time one passes you, and they are usually among the very last to slow down for road conditions. Bad enough on divided highways, occasionally terrifying on two-way roads. Seeing them in the ditch is interesting, watching them hit the ditch can be frig

I’m not seeing anything that runs for 1500 around here. 3 grand is probably the bottom line for a disposable immediate driver these days.