Most likely chemo made it worse or was the cause of death. Chemo is a toxic mix of BigPharma drugs that cost 10s of 1000s, making corps rich, and us dead.
Most likely chemo made it worse or was the cause of death. Chemo is a toxic mix of BigPharma drugs that cost 10s of 1000s, making corps rich, and us dead.
Making fun of transtrenders is not being transphobic
You could also point to Totalbiscuit, circa 2015. Thankfully, he figured out how to grow above it before it was too late. Hopefully people can look to his transition as an example without disregarding his earlier failings.
What’s the point of this verbal vomit? “I don’t know this guy so imma just kind of downplay him and shit on him for no reason. Oh did I say I don’t know who this guy is and that I didn’t bother researching anything about him before opening my mouth? Yeah I didn’t bother, but yeah I dont know better, so maybe im wrong,…
Now *this* is a terrible and inappropriate response.
Are you trying to shame him in death? Because that was just a reminder of how fucking great he was.
He had opinions. You didn’t like them. Clearly that means he deserved his fate. The amount of jealousy from nobodies on this site is tragic.
Is now REALLY the fucking time for this?
The thing that gets me the most about those people is that they are usually the same people arguing that “MY FAVORITE STREAMER SAID THE N-WORD ONCE, AND APOLOGIZED, ALL IS WELL GET OVER IT!!”
I advise everyone to watch this incredible series with TotalBiscuit and Jesse Cox. It’s hilarious and perfectly encapsulates what made TB special - sardonic, silly, but aware of how to entertain.
...and clicking a couple of the ads sure could help too (though YouTube might balk)
RIP Totalbiscuit.
Yea, I responded to this guy in another comment. The arm she has in that trailer may have some superficial similarities to the period, but so did the tech in bioshock. The strength and articulation she has is better than modern prosthetics. This is science fiction, and I’d bet this squad belongs to some advanced-tech,…
Alright, but keep in mind there’s plenty of us our there who both understand history and value immersion in video games. They can be reconciled, and doing so helps us better appreciate the heroism of the socially marginalized who fought.
honestly it actually does annoy me, but then thats largely because the character concept is so badly done.
Not really my point, and I should’ve made it clearer (what I meant was mostly WHY, and only that, but also how does a person with a HOOK FOR A HAND ends up being sent to the frontlines), but staying into your answer:
The way her hooks works? We didn’t have that till way later into the 00's. We still don’t, actually.…
The only country where women fought in frontline service on equal terms as men was the Soviet Union.
Actually, all those things do matter to some people. I’ve been saying for many years that realism in games aids immersion. Of course there will always be some compromises in the name of gameplay. While we’re on the topic, the idea that history is merely written by the victors and is therefore untrustworthy is bunk. If…
I have no stake in this argument, other than curiosity, but as far as I can tell from a quick search the only country to really incorporate female combatants was Russia. (Which considering how brutal/bloody the Russian front was, would sort of be expected. The Russians threw everything they could in the way of the…
If you go through the threads they are actually complaining about all of that. The response to the trailer hasn’t been positive at all. This article just focused on one set of their complaints.
Hell, there’s a soldier in the video with a damn katana.
Women did fight in WWII, but only in instances where they had to or their own side would have killed them. The facts are: