
It also coincidentally resulted in getting an actual progressive out of the halls of power. I am sure that benefit wasn’t lost on Gillibrand.

Your take is exactly backwards. It is because of fake progressives and the centrist fans happily pushing to Overton window further and further to the right every year that we had a choices between Orange shit and a triangulating, entitled, uncharismatic, warhawk (far to the right of Nixon or Reagan) as our choices two

Fun fact: this is how you audition for a role in Trailer Park Boys.

Really, it’s the dialogue this season that gets me. I mean, what normal human would call themselves a stable genius? It just doesn’t feel real.

“I told by Applecare that I could walk in the store and get the part!”

And it still stars a rapist.

Working together, or “colluding”, would seem like it would imply the things necessary to meet the legal standard of violating said laws.

I could be wrong, but I think collusion with a foreign government to win a domestic election is in fact a crime.

This x1000. Good cops shouldn’t be afraid of cameras, they should insist on having functional body cams. If you’re doing that job correctly it’s just proof against false accusations.

If police officers were smart, and if they were willing and able to respect people’s civil rights, they’d always welcome cameras while doing their jobs. Any cop who tells people to stop recording them is a cop who considers it at least possible (if not probable) that s/he is going to do something of which s/he doesn’t

Poetic justice will be fixing up the place and selling it to a black family. Then he can come back and lowball her when she puts her house on the market.

Maybe this is what pumpkin spice withdrawal looks like.

Then the Dems should have told DREAMers to fuck off.

And one day the hill you need them to die on will come up for a vote, and they’ll fight for you just as strongly as they did for the DREAMers.

Because share buybacks and dividends don’t meaningfully impact a vast majority of people. It overwhelmingly favors the very rich. Any impact to Regular Joe’s measly stock portfolio, if such a thing even exists, will do absolutely nothing to change his lifestyle. Any changes to 401(K) balances, again many folks don’t

How the $15/hour wage is reached is very important.

Where did you get all that money?

a) I increased the deficit tremendously while giving the richest people an even bigger piece of the pie, which increases the wealth inequality to even greater levels, meanwhile we cut all the social programs for the poor.
b) The

No, but it will prevent you from getting flagged by customs for importing counterfeits. Never order directly from third parties, always order from Amazon or “fulfilled by Amazon”.

Roiphe is around 50 (my age). Her mother was a 2nd wave feminist, 2nd wave would have been “ending” around the time that Roiphe was in college (around 21). She would have most certainly been most influenced/shaped by 3rd wave. i.e. Wolf, Faludi, etc.

Check your Italian privilege.