
This is sooooo the perfect game on which to bet. People can’t fathom saying “Jacksonville will win playoff games” even though, mathematically-speaking, past performance has nothing to do with future performance.

This sounds like every other fucking job in America. Actually, better. Give me a break.

OMG - get over your yourselves. The team stunk. They had a great asset to shed so they can get rid of payroll. Happens every minute in every corner of every business throughout the world.

God, the ratio of Duke players who suck in the NBA to Duke players who are good in the NBA is so weirdly high.

They were up 3-0 and blew it?

I can’t believe it, but I actully agree with the notion that if one pays, say, $500+ for a live-event ticket, thy should have exclusivity for said event.

It will be so fitting for this season to have a Jaguars-Vikings in the Super Bowl...or some awful crap like that.

I got into business with Carmelo Anthony and got worse.

Every single fucking “poetry of the game” baseball purist who has jerked off to the ghost of Bill James while telling me 3-1 games are the “right” way to play the game ... has been wrong every time.

Sexual harassment,right? I mean...this is the definition of it, yes?

“The U-17 group is stocked with some of the hottest prospects in U.S. Soccer history...”

The soccer culture of the USMNT mirrors the soccer culture of American kids: attaboy hugs, ‘great job’ praise and ‘everyone works so hard’ slobber.

Greinke is a notorious dick.

Piss off.

Shopped for shoes.

This is indeed the smartest comment. There are X amount of spots. If they get one, then they deserved to get one. End of story.

It’s not a matter of opinion, it’s a matter of math. If they finish in third place, they they will have “deserved” it.

We love this move.