turd ferguson

Yeah, Rusty's shown up in the QOTW several times, but you've got to go pretty far back. That look isn't really my cup of tea, but I do think that slightly beat up E28s are pretty cool looking. As are, come to think of it, most European sedans from the '60s and '70s.

And because a lot of people have already said it?


How about a crappy blue Chevy Nova...

Okay, this may be pandering to the author a bit, but there's no denying that Scouts look better with a little wear and tear.

[Looking out into driveway at '75 242, '88 745, and '92 245]

Sounds like a lot of work, but it looks like it was well worth it. I have heard a few people talking about doing manual tranny swaps for these cars, but this is the first one I've actually seen running and driving. Well done!

Yeah, yeah, I know. But when you're insulting others for being morons (or morans), it's best not to look like one yourself.

Nice. What transmission did you use?

I don't care, really. Just a little morning Schadenfreude derived from watching you call others morons while getting a simple fact wrong. The fact that you bolded the incorrect term made it just that much better.


Indeed. And the GLH-S pictured was even more surprising.

The Subaru SVX. Even though its predecessor, the XT, had hinted at the weirdness Subaru was capable of, the SVX really took it to the next level with its swoopy styling, sort-of-odd two-tone paint, a dashboard slathered in pseudo-suede, and windows-within-windows.

Definitely this. And it wasn't just the cops who were surprised. I'm guessing GM was a little surprised at the outrage generated by this car's numbers. I remember the hue and cry from various corners of Europe and the UK, screaming about GM's "irresponsibility" in releasing such a car. Who knew that a

Sludge issues stuck with the B5/B5.5 Passats through their whole run, I think, although it should be noted that there are/were a lot of mid-'90s/early 2000s cars similarly afflicted. Electrical systems seemed to improve markedly after the '99 model year (except for ignition coils!). There's really no excuse for the

AMC Eagle. Why? Because once upon a time, at the peak of their success, the best American car manufacturers were daring and innovative, rolling out new and sometimes crazy ideas on just about a yearly basis. Then came the '70s, OPEC, emissions controls and a kind of reflexive conservatism from the remaining American

+3. Not nearly enough AMC love in this thread!

You should do it. But that's just the compulsive, automobile-obsessed part of me talking.

Mine is probably the $900 1972 Mercedes 280SE 4.5 with electrical problems that I flew into Milwaukee to buy, with the idea that I was going to drive it home to Detroit. In hindsight, this was probably not the best idea.

There is a reason we can't market our products overseas in the same way we're being marketed to, at least in some markets, and that is because certain other countries have trade policies (import quotas, tariffs, or other onerous restrictions) in place that make it very difficult, if not impossible, to do business