It's okay to shoot yourself in the head with gasoline?
It's okay to shoot yourself in the head with gasoline?
That's the one.
Me too. You know, you've got to wonder—since it's Metro Parkway to the east and Quarton Road to the west, how did it just happen to be named Big Beaver right in the vicinity of the 69th mile of I-75?
Because you don't want to be driving too fast when the moment arrives.
Probably Michigan's best contribution.
This is the first sign that came to mind when I saw today's QOTD. I've been to a few "bong recreation areas" in my day, but this is the only one identified by an official sign.
I'm glad I'm not the only one who caught that. I don't know what Saab's problem is—I mean, being "in control of the courts" should make bankruptcy proceedings a breeze, right?
Matt, I'm totally with you on this. But then, I love French cars (mostly *older* French cars).
Sorry, man, but a real slider doesn't have mustard. Pickles, onions and grease, but no mustard.
Two bags of grass, seventy-five pellets of mescaline, five sheets of high-powered blotter acid, a salt shaker half-full of cocaine and a whole galaxy of multicolored uppers, downers, screamers, laughers.....also a quart of tequila, a quart of rum, a case of Budweiser, a pint of raw ether, and two dozen amyls.
So do I. It started way back when I first got involved in SCCA racing and has become a tradition since then—I always get a bag of Nacho Cheese Pretzel Combos and a bottle or two of Gatorade. I realize it's not the tastiest road food, but it served its purpose. When I was a newb at trailer towing, I quickly figured…
Definitely. One of my favorite things about road trips to Wisconsin or the U.P. is the great selection of fresh curds.
With my DD duties currently split between an '88 740 Turbo wagon and a '93 F-250 with the 7.3 diesel, I think my ideal trade would be for a Vanagon Syncro (preferably a Westy, but any decent "adventure" configuration would work) with a TDI conversion. I think it could probably do just about everything I need.
Now I like Travelalls as much as the next guy (okay, probably much more than the next guy), but there's really no point in owning this one. For the expected selling price, this one is never going to be driven, except maybe on and off the trailer. A shame, really, as it would be great to see this thing pressed into…
The "5-star safety rating" has nothing to do with how the rear-seat occupants would fare in a rear-end collision. It's a measure of occupant safety in frontal and side impacts. To quote the original poster, "[b]Regarding rear occupant safety in the event of a rear-end collision...[/b" There does not appear to be…
I think that just comes part and parcel with a spec class, though—when there is such relative parity among the cars in cornering, braking, and straight-line acceleration/speed, the drivers typically have to get a little "optimistic" to make a pass stick. That's the same reason Spec Racer Fords used to be called "Spec…
Sort of. He's also benefiting from the fact that the Colorado AG's office probably doesn't have the resources to keep close tabs on him so that they could serve him with a subpoena when he sets foot in the state. I still think the individual states' AGs should put their heads together and see if there is a viable…
If the facts in the article are correct, and I'm assuming for the purposes of this discussion that they are, then Tucker operated payday lending businesses in states where such businesses are prohibited. That is illegal, just like it would be illegal to run a gambling operation in a state where such businesses are…
Tribes are treated like states. A state can't be sued in another state's court. It can be sued in federal court, however. Tribes can be sued in federal court as well.