turd ferguson

Jalopnik needs more articles like this.

For me, logic goes out the window when it comes to English cars (and trucks).

Yeah, the discussion might be somewhat academic, but I still see advertising as something that, in the aggregate, adds no value to the human existence.

My point about advertising is that it does not increase the inherent value of an item. The item's properties remain the same whether it is advertised or not. Yes, in an ideal world, advertising can make a consumer aware of a new good or service that is more useful/valuable to the consumer than the good or service

Of course. But when courts analyze these types of governmental actions, they balance the importance of the individual's interest against the governmental interest, and for good measure, they also consider the risk that, under the disputed procedure, a person could be erroneously deprived of their property interest

First—good luck on the bar exam. I don't know where you're taking it, so I can't comment on the state portion, but I will say that the multistate portion is not so bad.

Funny, that's what I thought when I looked at the picture, too.

I agree that it's more of a stretch to make a constitutional argument with regard to a driver's license than it is with, say, a professional license or a liquor license. That being said, courts have held that state employees have a property interest in continued employment where their employment contracts provide

I haven't read the complaint, but I'll wager that he's suing because the state revoked his license without giving him an opportunity for a pre-deprivation hearing. You make think that makes him a litigious wussy, but in reality, such suits are a bulwark against government deprivation of property interests without due

No, they didn't go to the aluminum chassis until the 2004 XJ. The supercharged AJ16, with 322 hp and 378 lb-ft of torque, is a sweet engine though!

And a bargain, to boot. By the time the X300 debuted, Ford's infusion of money had helped improve assembly quality and reliability immensely but Ford's influence had not yet cheapened the quality of everything else. So even though the X300 was and is quite reliable (certainly moreso than the early x308, with its

I saw a '62 Imperial at a car show this year, and spent an inordinate amount of time ogling and photographing the headlights. They were definitely doing some wild things back then and the detail stuff is just amazing...

I'll nominate the one that actually is in my garage: the X300 Jaguar XJR, available from 1995-97 (with the nigh-indestructible supercharged AJ16 inline-6, not the V8). Although it is not as large as many of the cars mentioned by others, it is certainly oversized on the outside for the relative paucity of room inside

Absolutely. I've had a few 300Ds and 240Ds and you cannot kill them. Lord knows, there are plenty of videos on YouTube of people (mostly Finns for some reason) trying to kill them. And failing repeatedly.

Probably the best movie about salesmen ever. Also, probably Alec Baldwin's best role ever.

It appears we agree on more than you think we do. One difference is that you seem to believe that skill is always commensurate with educational level, while I do not. My father spent his working life as a skilled tradesman—true, he was not building satellites, but his work was far more complex than basic sheetmetal


You cling to this grail of education as the measurement of a laborer's value when it is so clearly not the case. At least not in many cases.

I stand by my original statement. While skill is certainly relevant to the value of labor, education (in and of itself) is not. And your example reinforces my point about the irrelevancy of education. People who "literally just screw things together" do not need an advanced degree to do so. Over the course of my

Education is irrelevant to the value of labor, and thus irrelevant to wages earned. You may think that line workers are overpaid for the value they contribute to the finished product, but it certainly makes no difference if that line worker is a high-school dropout or a PhD. And while ideally there should be a