turd ferguson

If you say so. But I guess that means that the station owner is stealing from the customers every time he/she immediately jacks the price up 10, 20, 30 cents a gallon in response to news stories about a refinery fire in Timbuktu, flooding along the Mississippi causing supply problems, or the (daily) violence in the

I don't know about that. The fuel gauge reads in liters, not gallons.

Probably because the speedometer had to be changed as part of the federalization process. Technically, however, the entire cluster should have been changed over to a U.S.-spec cluster so that the warning lights met DOT regs. Bumpers and lights, too. Many importers would change everything over to present the car for

Lots of good answers have already been given, although some of the cars mentioned would have required costly re-engineering to comply with U.S. crash and emissions regs, so at least it's understandable that weren't brought over. One that I never understood, though, was the Vanagon DoKa. I don't think it would have

And a buddy of mine had a straight-6 Nova back in the '80s. I remember him pulling up to the pizza place where we worked one afternoon, complaining that the engine didn't sound right. I came out to look at it and there was an awful racket coming from the top end. I pulled the valve cover and one of the rocker arms

Rarer than a gen-u-wine V-8 SS, that's for sure!

Well, they're damned near indestructible, but on the other hand, unless you're a purist, most people are going to want a V8 in these old pony cars. I don't know how many are still around, but I'd say most of them that aren't around were the victims of engine swaps, as opposed to death by "natural causes."

The "old V6 engine" had been swapped out? C'mon guys, this is supposed to be a car enthusiasts' site. No V6 in a '69 Camaro.

My use of the word "deceit" wasn't meant to be negative—artists have long used various deceits to accurately convey light, shadow, depth and so on. I have nothing but respect for the artistic modelmakers who masterfully replicate age, wear and tear in miniature scale. I certainly don't claim to be in the same league

Yeah, normally I really wouldn't care if someone wanted to waste money on something this stupid, but this car is worse than fake—it's the antithesis of what it is trying to look like.

And the real antique furniture will surely be around long after the new faux-antique stuff has fallen apart.

Our shields can't repel douchebaggery of that magnitude!


I've always been partial to a nice-looking steel wheel myself. Timeless.

You beat me to it. So here:

My old 240D had hubcaps over alloy wheels. Of course, the alloy wheels *looked* like steel wheels...

Lovely! And you have to love that she retired when they killed Group B because she feared the newly neutered cars would be too boring!

Shades of John Paul Sr. and Jr., eh?

Anyone who says to buy something over here that is not ubiquitous over there is giving some seriously bad advice. You do not want to have something that no mechanic over there has ever worked on, nor do you want to have to wait weeks and pay outrageous shipping/customs every time you need a part.
