A preview of the next six months can be summed up in the image of Donald Trump standing behind a podium, gesticulating wildly and shouting “SHE HAS A VAGINA, SO DISGUSTING, SHE HAS A VAGINA, SO DISGUSTING” over and over again.
A preview of the next six months can be summed up in the image of Donald Trump standing behind a podium, gesticulating wildly and shouting “SHE HAS A VAGINA, SO DISGUSTING, SHE HAS A VAGINA, SO DISGUSTING” over and over again.
that the government and/or the medical establishment are attacking the family for their beliefs.
Get the fuck outta here with your #notallmen apologia. The reason why a minority of men can get away with such spectactularly bad behavior is that the rest of us participate in power structures that ensure that they don’t suffer any consequences for it. Nobody gets a pass for not being actively sexist in a patriarchal…
*I* wanted to hug them and I was sitting across from them! They were legitimately so upset. It was unreal. Restored my faith in humanity. And bros.
The only part that baffled my personal elitist sensibilities is that she has somehow managed to have never heard of Ted Cruz even though he’s been running for president for the past 684 consecutive months. That’s a level beyond just “not following politics.”
What we’re all missing is the grave injustice of Andrew Jackson being forced to relocate by the federal government. He must be very sad...
“If we take care of morality,” David Brumbaugh, a Republican Representative in Oklahoma’s House , said during deliberations, “God will take care of the economy.”
Lawmakers gave up $8 million in federal funding to deprive $380,000 from Planned Parenthood
This is the first Eddie match I’ve watched since he died (too many feelings) and I choose correctly, thanks guys! But, christ, if we can ignore the terribly misogynistic announcing (not JUST by Jerry Lawler, I hear you good ol’ JR), this was a fucking highlight of my childhood where I knew as a (pretty ugly little…
Yep. I do spend a small amount of time in Never The Fuck Ever Land when shopping for bras (i.e. “Ohh, maybe they make that one in my size”) but we all know to snap out of it before clicking Add to Cart.
What was DDD girl thinking? I’m a DD and know that one boob wouldn’t even fit in that thing.
You think that slice is so tiny to make his hands look bigger?
When you take out your loaded gun with the fucking safety off and wave it around in a roomful of children, then any shooting that results is intentional.
“Between 40 and 50 percent of all African-American babies are killed before they’re born. A Hispanic child is three times more likely to be aborted than a white child.”
Thing about that is that aliens, at least, are real.
I think we all need to take a moment to reflect on how lucky we are that our in-laws aren’t Michael and Dina Lohan.