
she was “combative and uncooperative

From the attached article. I wouldn’t mind if Peskind and his friends were named and shamed.

Sadly, once a picture or video or really anything is out on the internet, there’s no way of putting the rabbit back in the hat. And the way that this paricular video went viral (aside: ugh, people suck), it was shared and downloaded so, so much. Millions of computer users have it on file. Andrews could spend the rest

Fellow old here, and I do the same thing. Anytime anyone corrects me I just pull a Janis Ian (from Mean Girls): “Yeah, I’m gonna call him Dead Mau Five...”

I’m black and voting for Hillary. #SorrynotSorry. I don’t find this condescending at all. Why don’t you get in government IS the right answer. I’m so tired of all these whiny people running around complaining all the politicians are in someone’s pocket or are “UNAUTHENTIC” . GO BE A POLITICIAN Then. That’s an

exaaaaactly. are we supposed to feel badly for him because he can’t go to harvard and he’s a registered sex offender? a great way to not have that happen which is utterly in your control is to not be a rapist.

That is the most brill thing every!!! This should be played in every sex ed class!!

They styled the rapey bro look right out of him.

This is how he really looked before his defense team reinvented him as a harmless nerd:

Now playing

Consent. It’s as simple as a cup of tea. Watch and learn, boys.

Well, his life better be in shambles. He’s a rapist. He gets zero sympathy from me.

Poor, poor rapist/athlete. :-(

“It’s a terrible state of affairs, Jonathan Snow, the president of UH’s faculty and person behind the safety presentation, told The Chronicle of Higher Education.

This is disgusting. College professors should not be told not to teach certain subjects or probe certain views to avoid some nutcase pulling out a gun and shooting everybody! What the fuck is wrong with these people?

Also the only reason to watch Angel From Hell.

What was great about this segment, was that it was actually meant to rev people up to take action and not just watch politely. She totally came down on NARAL’s toothlessness.

I mean clearly you are missing the very real and present danger nipples pose to a free and functioning democracy. Pasties and booby tassels are pretty much all that stand between us and complete anarchy.

Full Frontal is absolutely the best new comedy news show on television.

Henceforth every alley in Texas must be an ambulatory surgical center.