There are Good Samaritan laws in most states (including Arizona) to protect people who are trying to help an injured person in good faith. Unfortunately, most people don’t know that and also the laws aren’t uniform across the country.
There are Good Samaritan laws in most states (including Arizona) to protect people who are trying to help an injured person in good faith. Unfortunately, most people don’t know that and also the laws aren’t uniform across the country.
Thanks for the article. I learned some new things today. I lived in Japan for almost 3 years and I never understood their addresses. What about the suffix “cho” after town names? Is that similar to “machi” or “mura”?
I think what he was trying to say is that Colin made it look easy for the eventual winner.
Who knows how they make these lists. This list would have a lot more teams in smaller markets than Cleveland.
There are plenty of NBA teams that are in smaller markets (metro areas) than Cleveland. Half of NBA teams have smaller markets than Cleveland.
I couldn’t believe that San Antonio was the 7th largest city in the U.S. until I looked it up. Cleveland has a larger metro area at 16th compared to San Antonio at 31st.
I don’t know anything about the sales volumes of Tesla vs. GM’s electric cars, but doesn’t Tesla sell more electric cars than GM? If so, they should be able to get better pricing than GM on raw materials for batteries. Of course other raw materials are probably cheaper for GM.
Because they eat so much. Their goal is to have as much muscle mass as possible. In order to do that, they exercise a lot and eat insane amounts of food. Along with the excess calories comes some body fat. If they wanted to be ripped, they could diet to lose the body fat, but then they would lose muscle mass and…
Your talking about tools to lose weight. I am talking about science.
Read the sentence again genius. I never said calories are bad. Everything I said is 100% factual.
So this drivetrain is similar to the Honda Accord Hybrid except super-sized?
This isn’t about lawyers and trustees having a say in what she does past 18. It’s about David Bowie having a say in it. This is standard practice and it really is best for the child. How many 18 year olds do you know that could responsibly handle millions of dollars? Most would turn into drug addicts and terrible…
That’s just a little interoffice disagreement.
i don’t think the ball touched the ground
#1 sounds like it would be a good solution, but then fouling at the end of the game to try to make a comeback wouldn’t work.
Everyone knows this story is true. Stop trying to debunk it. I believe the woman’s name was Lennay Kekua.
Did they follow the law when they insured him originally? Surely they had the 11-digit VIN at that time.
I’m talking about the turtle not being tortured which is what this article is about. Yes, throwing rocks at a cat is torture, but I’m not sure why you went off on that tangent in the first place. I still don’t think you should be planning on assaulting a child.
I wouldn’t exactly call that torture. You seem to have a lot of pent up rage.