Carlo Von Sexron

Hellcat or GTFO! Would be pushing the budget though. You could settle for a Dodge Viper.

From the video it looks like he would have been tackled immediately if the defender hadn’t stopped playing.

Waiver claim entered. #yousnoozeyoulose

Wait a second. Planters Cheez Balls still exist! Where can I find these little gems? I remember as a child having contests with my siblings to see who could catch the most in their mouth consecutively.

“Knocks it away, incomplete! No correction, it’s a lateral.”

Mu understanding is that this is a quality issue with their vendor ThyssenKrupp and not necessarily a design issue.

I took delivery of my 2016 GTI at the beginning of October. Luckily its VIN is after the range listed for the GTI. The document says the dates are Nov. 20th, 2014 to July 17, 2015 for the GTI by the way. I think you were looking at the Jetta dates.

If I recall correctly, in recent years I think that Ford, Hyundai, and Kia have all been fined by the EPA for misstating EPA mileage (which is the same as CO2 emissions) and/or other violations of the Clean Air Act. Perhaps there have been other companies also.

In high school my buddy had a hand-me-down conversion van that we cruised around in. It had what I can best describe as a sectional sofa that wrapped around the interior in the back. It had a table in the middle of the seating. 4-speed manual transmission. Good times.

I wonder if the MRSA was on the needle used for the cortisone injection. Otherwise, how would it get in his ankle?

I have an induction charging pad that will not work properly with my phone unless I use the charger that came with the phone to power it. The directions for the pad stated to use the original charging cable. Other chargers would charge the phone fine when plugged directly into the phone, but they would not charge my

What punt are you talking about? This was a running play.

I think the discipline on this one is cut and dry. One game suspension. If it becomes a national media story, you ban them for life.

Our shrew of a teacher knew when the nudity was coming and fast forwarded through it. I never forgave her for that.

That was Trent Richardson’s first game as a pro and the last good carry of his career. He ended the day with 19 rushes for 39 yards.

They say that Deez Nuts is an Independent, but in my experience he has always leaned more to the left.

This is true. We got a stroller for my mother at Disney one time. They gave it a fancy name like “willchare” or something.

Must be a proctologist.

Are you counting calories? If you have just made lifestyle choices (eliminating certain food groups) up to this point and not counted calories, it is probably the time where you will need to start counting to ensure you are in calorie deficit. Congrats on the progress thus far.

He just got Brooks more exposure through this act than probably anything else he has done for them.