Carlo Von Sexron

Playing on an SEC team helps also.

... or an approved commenter.

Johnny Football will be active and starting against Rice on Saturday. Which sounds about right, especially since he plays in the SEC.

After watching the video, I'm pretty sure I found the culprit. Your welcome San Francisco PD.

Who did the family kill?

Jesus Christ you guys are being tough on poor ol' Brad. He just asked a simple question. He didn't say he doesn't cook. In fact he said that he does cook. He's just trying to find out how to help his wife out when she is kind enough to offer to cook. Why try to read deeper into it than that? Can't you just

Bang, bang, Roger's shitty hammer came down upon his head...

I suppose he should of just signed the sheet of paper without reading it and started gabbing?

For a split second, you can see the second bat in Janish's glove before he hands it over.

I think the suspension makes sense.

No tax on take out food. Tax was on beer.

In some states, food is not taxable if it is take out. It is the same as grocery stores. My guess is that it was beer which resulted in the small amount of tax.

Now playing

The condom bit is not nearly as funny as his "ghetto reporter" bit.

Looks like she slapped him and he slapped her back.

That kid sure can stroke a cock.

Try to convince me these guys weren't doping. The musculature, the tiny peepee...

Maybe he thought he was lessening his chance of going to prison by murdering Lloyd. His comments that "You can't trust anyone anymore" could point to him thinking that Lloyd might snitch. So maybe it was rational for him to murder Lloyd. He probably also thought that his half-ass cover-up was good enough.

"if Alex Rodriguez is healthy, we want him, and I want him, playing third base for us yesterday"

I'd love to see this done with Chris Bosh's game 7 game.