
This case should be held up as a perfect example of why age-of-consent laws need to be standardized. It's ridiculous that the line between "bad judgment" and "abuse of power" should differ based on what state one happens to be in.

This case should be held up as a perfect example of why age-of-consent laws need to be standardized. It's ridiculous that the line between "bad judgment" and "abuse of power" should differ based on what state one happens to be in.

I think you may be taking this a little too seriously, Todd. NaNo is just the karaoke of writing: a way for amateurs to screw around and have fun, and budding pros to develop skill and confidence without a lot of risk. I fail to see how that could ever be a bad thing.

I think you may be taking this a little too seriously, Todd. NaNo is just the karaoke of writing: a way for amateurs to screw around and have fun, and budding pros to develop skill and confidence without a lot of risk. I fail to see how that could ever be a bad thing.

Last I checked, most random people don't think it's a good idea to give booze to pre-teen boys and then share a bed with them.

Last I checked, most random people don't think it's a good idea to give booze to pre-teen boys and then share a bed with them.

I actually love this. Well done!

I actually love this. Well done!

I still think Neville is the greatest literary bait-and-switch of all time.

I still think Neville is the greatest literary bait-and-switch of all time.

This role should've gone to a dark-skinned woman, period.

This role should've gone to a dark-skinned woman, period.

First off, I commend you for trying to dig into some meta-level media and sociological criticism that I think goes way over most people's heads. Might be wasted, here, but maybe not. ;) Times I wish you and I could just have some serious one-on-one chats about all of this stuff. Always nice to debate with someone

First off, I commend you for trying to dig into some meta-level media and sociological criticism that I think goes way over most people's heads. Might be wasted, here, but maybe not. ;) Times I wish you and I could just have some serious one-on-one chats about all of this stuff. Always nice to debate with someone

You already know how I feel about this show, so I won't rehash it here. However … Disliking something that's made by or centers on women and specifically female experiences isn't necessarily sexist. A lot of the dislike and backlash toward this show IS sexist, as you point out, but don't make the mistake of believing

You already know how I feel about this show, so I won't rehash it here. However … Disliking something that's made by or centers on women and specifically female experiences isn't necessarily sexist. A lot of the dislike and backlash toward this show IS sexist, as you point out, but don't make the mistake of believing

Actually, Primeval is one of BBC America's top-rated shows. It gets more viewers per episode than Game of Thrones does. Yes, really. It's also in something like 100 other territories worldwide. Granted that it's not on a major network and doesn't have the FX budget this does, but to say that there's nothing like this

Nothing like it on TV? Hi, Primeval? Todd, I am disappoint.