
the ad violated a section of its policies that prohibits “content that asserts or implies personal attributes,” including “direct or indirect assertions or implications” about traits such as race, ethnicity, gender and sexual identity, religion, or financial standing.

That’s exactly what I was wondering. It’s ironic that Facebook’s entire revenue model is made up of targeted advertising based on everything it mines (or assumes) about your online behavior, yet prohibits targeting based on a user’s most ordinary attributes.

No, the lesson here is to always take it case by case. It means you believe and support a person who appears to be a victim of a crime, but you verify the facts before castigating (through countless articles and social media posts) an entire group of people because of who they voted for in 2016 because that victim

thanks for posting to share more instances of my favorite part of the patriots winning the super bowl

my favorite part about when the patriots winning the super bowl is how it melts everyone’s brains

I think this blog represents the whiniest and mopiest sports fucks on the planet. Also welcome back! Hope you’re feeling better!

Are you guys going to even attempt to report this story from a critical standpoint? 

Must be the same redneck that shot the little girl in Houston.

I know this is a weird and unpopular concept for the people of this site, but most cops are just commoners who want to help their community. Definitely take a minute to breathe and compose yourself before responding.

This is fantastic, as it demonstrates that PFT is a much better and funnier writer than anyone at Deadspin (well, maybe Drew. maybe)

HA! This isn’t surprising. The culture we live in now is this:

I’m really tired of this winknod rhetoric that the NES Classic games have objectively aged poorly. Dr. Mario, Mega Man 2 and the original Punch-Out!! play just as good as any game you can fire up today. Castlevania, Ninja Gaiden and Gradius are also a blast if you wrap your head around the difficulty. Super Mario

May I respectfully ask, in terms of “context”, dafuq you babbling about? You would never accept some vague, lame “context” defense from an alt-righter spewing semi-literate racist bullshit, and you shouldn’t here. You’re the best friend a MAGA choad could have.

They wrote this whole article without quoting or addressing her original comments at all. It allows her to weasel out of what she said by saying “ALL white people” is some kind of abstract concept with no relation to individuals. Are you kidding me?

Yeah, she doesn’t seem to grasp that once you do the “ALL” thing, your right to bitch about the backlash is forfeit. So sorry chica, thanks for playing.

I fail to see how firing a racist could be a bad thing. However, I do enjoy watching progressives twist themselves into pretzels justifying racism.

I don’t give a shit. She went too far in the statement that got her ass fired and I’m glad it happened.

Hey Gita. I love the nerve you have, playing up harassment against Mauer while completely failing to mention the death threats she sent out, among many other things. You fit right in here at Kotaku. Great job.

Are you very young? Or did you grow up in a very conservative environment? You just seem so convinced that there are things that 30-year-olds do and wear that 40-year-olds don’t, and I see virtually no difference between these groups, with the exception of biologically driven things like increasing baby fever for some

Girl, I do understand it, but I also think that marketing people tend to latch on to these dubious ideas that don’t have much basis in reality. Absolutely no one in New York City looks at a 40-year-old man in a Zoo York T-shirt and says “Why, that’s a shirt that’s probably meant for a teen skater! That middle-aged