
Are you literally shaking?

Fuck the ‘wall’.

Just ignore the next 13 private messages, then.

No. Types like you, like I said.

pictures of my dick.

Glad you’re laser-focused on the truly important part of this story. There’s nothing we need more than more types like you running around out there.

Nice takeaway, but I found it lacking as far as handwringing about the plight of downtrodden ‘black folk’ goes. You could have squeezed another paragraph or two in there; it’s really the least you could have done.

butthurt from other cases into it.

lol. No conspiracy runs too deep, apparently, when it’s something you really, really want to believe.

I’m sure LIKE OMG LET’S NOT RUSH TO JUDGMENT HERE was also the first thing out of your mouth when Roof did his thing. You types are nothing if not $100% consistent, after all.


There’s some twisted humor in the juxtaposition of the name of that website and the crime being described. Ha.

‘Lucky’, huh? lol. I don’t think he has much to worry about, given that the types prone to legit wish death on him are safely confined to their computer rooms due to crippling social anxiety or some other disorder (real or imagined).

So like, this dude getting a book deal makes me feel like totally unsafe and stuff. Who do I tweet at to let them know that’s not cool? I mean, it’s 2017 and everything. Le sigh.

lol. And then everyone would burst into applause, right?. I eagerly await seeing your retelling of this little weirdo fantasy on /r/thathappened.

1. We find out that the ‘racist threat’ was perpetrated by PoC or some like-minded whitey trying to ‘start a conversation’.

lol. Well, you tried.

It was funny. You can’t recognize it from the stick or other large object lodged in your butt area. Remove it, and things should clear right up for ya. Godspeed, sir.

I get it but I don’t understand how it’s 200 plus stars funny.

I appreciate your work here, sir.